Nova burst of V1716 Sco investigated with X-rays and gamma rays

Light curve of nova V1716 Sco observed with NICER with epochs of 10 seconds, from July 25, 2023 to August 30, 2023. Source: Wang et al., 2024. Astronomers from China and Taiwan have observed the nova outburst of V1716 Sco that occurred last year using several X-ray and gamma-ray space observatories. Results of the observation … Read more

12 billion years of black hole history revealed by X-rays and simulations

A spacey expanse that fades from starry black on the left to gaseous blue on the right half. A white square captures a small purple star on the left. White lines extend from the bottom corners to an image in the bottom left of yellow and red gas circling a black spot that shoots white light up and down.

The history of the black hearts of galaxies is almost completely told for the first time, when astronomers combined X-ray observations with detailed supercomputer models to record the growth of galaxies. supermassive black holes more than 12 billion years of cosmic history. The scientists have shown that the black hole forms the core of our … Read more