Rapidly cooling weird creatures rewrite the physics of neutron stars


Neutron stars are among the densest objects in the universe. The material inside them is so tightly compressed that scientists don’t yet know what shape it takes. The core of a neutron star may be a thick soup of quarks, or it may contain exotic particles that could not survive anywhere else in the universe. … Read more

NASA exoplanet hunter finds ‘weird’ world that survives brutal bombardment from a star – it’s called Phoenix

A red world on the left ans a churning star on the right.

A strange planet discovered by NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) is confusing astronomers. Despite being mercilessly bombarded with radiation from its red giant parent star, the world has, against all odds, held on to its atmosphere. It is also smaller, older and hotter than scientists thought possible for such a planet. In reality, the … Read more