NASA’s Webb reveals long-studied star is actually a twin – NASA

WL20 group of stars is located in the Rho Ophiuchi star-forming region

Webb’s mid-infrared instrument, which was managed by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory until launch, also revealed jets of gas streaming into space from the twin stars. Scientists recently got a big surprise from NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope when they pointed the observatory at a group of young stars called WL 20. The region has been … Read more

James Webb telescope discovers the most distant supernova ever seen

An artist

The James Webb Space Telescope has discovered the oldest and most distant supernova ever observed: a stellar explosion that occurred when the universe was just 1.8 billion years old. The ancient fireworks explosion was discovered along with 80 others in a patch of sky that, from our perspective on Earth, is about the width of … Read more

‘Supernova discovery machine’ James Webb Space Telescope finds the most distant star explosion ever recorded

Red and yellow dots against a black ground with some circled with blue rings

When it comes to hunting down the explosive deaths of massive stars in the early universe, the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is a true cosmic detective. This celestial Sherlock Holmes has found evidence of 80 new early supernovae in a patch of sky as wide as a grain of rice, held at arm’s length. … Read more

James Webb telescope reveals ‘catastrophic’ collision of asteroids in nearby galaxy

illustration of a protoplanetary disk

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has found evidence that two giant asteroids are colliding in a nearby galaxy. The colossal collision threw out 100,000 times more dust than the impact killed the dinosaurs. The violent impact recently occurred in Beta Pictoris, a galaxy 63 light-years away in the constellation Pictoris. Beta Pictoris is a … Read more

Webb is a supernova discovery machine: 10x more supernovas in the early universe


The James Webb Space Telescope has discovered a remarkable number of distant supernovae, providing new insights into the structure and expansion of the early universe. This includes the detection of Type Ia supernovae at unprecedented distances, contributing to our understanding of cosmic distances and the expansion of the universe. Credit: NASA‘S James Webb Space … Read more

Webb opens a new window on supernova science

This article was reviewed according to Science fact checked trusted source proofread OK! The JADES Deep Field uses observations made by NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) as part of the JADES program (JWST Advanced Deep Extragalactic Survey). A team of astronomers studying JADES data identified about 80 objects (circled in green) that changed brightness … Read more

NASA’s Webb opens a new window on supernova science

Peering deep into the cosmos, NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope is giving scientists their first detailed glimpse of supernovae from a time when our universe was only a fraction of its current age. A team using Webb data has identified ten times more supernovae in the early universe than previously known. Some of the newly … Read more

How the Webb and Gaia missions provide a new perspective on galaxy formation

Enlarge / NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope reveals the Rho Ophiuchi cloud complex, the closest star-forming region to Earth. In a feat of galactic archaeology, astronomers are using increasingly detailed information to trace the origins of our galaxy – and to learn how other galaxies formed in the early stages of the universe. Using powerful … Read more

Webb telescope discovers a mysterious carbon treasure around the young star


This is an artist’s impression of a young star surrounded by a disk of gas and dust. An international team of astronomers used NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope to study the disk around a young, very low-mass star known as ISO-ChaI 147. The results reveal the richest hydrocarbon chemistry yet observed in a protoplanetary disk. … Read more

Rocky, carbon-rich exoplanets are more likely to orbit small stars, James Webb Space Telescope reveals

A glowing yellow orb in the center of the screen surrounded a disk of gassy material.

Using the James Webb Space Telescope, astronomers have discovered the richest ‘menu’ of hydrocarbons ever seen in a planet-forming disk. This observation, which involved the protoplanetary disk around a small star, also revealed the first detection of ethane outside the Solar System. The discovery was made when the James Webb Space Telescope’s (JWST) Mid-Infrared Instrument … Read more