Why are some images more memorable than others? – Neuroscience news

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Resume: A new study shows that the brain prioritizes remembering images that are more difficult to explain. Researchers used a computational model and behavioral experiments to show that scenes that were difficult for the model to reconstruct were more memorable for participants. This finding helps explain why certain visual experiences stick in our memory. The … Read more

AI decodes fruit fly vision, paving the way for human insight – Neuroscience News

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Resume: Researchers developed an AI model of the fruit fly’s brain to understand how vision drives behavior. By genetically silencing specific visual neurons and observing behavioral changes, they trained the AI ​​to accurately predict neural activity and behavior. Their findings show that combinations of multiple neurons, rather than individual types, process visual data in a … Read more

Brain circuitry for color perception identified – Neuroscience News

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Resume: Researchers have identified the specific brain circuits in fruit flies responsible for color vision. These neurons in the optic lobe respond selectively to different hues, including those perceived by humans as violet and ultraviolet. This groundbreaking discovery provides insight into how brains transform raw sensory signals into meaningful perceptions and could help us better … Read more