The new Garmin Edge 1050 finally gets Garmin Pay, but is it worth upgrading just for the extra bells and whistles?

The Garmin Edge 1050 was unveiled today, making it the fifth generation of the brand’s top-end cycling computers. The flagship product finally gets the addition of Garmin Pay. It’s been a long time coming, now that the best smartwatches have been supporting this feature for a few years now. Billed by the brand as the … Read more

Upgrading brain storage: Quantifying how much information our synapses can hold

This article was reviewed according to Science fact checked trusted source proofread OK! Two neurons, one fully (left, light purple) and one partially out of view (right, light blue) superimposed on a background of zeros and ones to symbolize the unit of bits used to quantify information storage in synapses. The neuron on the left … Read more