The unprecedented impact of Qilin’s attack on London hospitals

Exclusive Latest figures suggest that around 1,500 medical procedures have been cancelled at some of London’s biggest hospitals in the four weeks since the Qilin ransomware attack hit pathology service provider Synnovis. But perhaps no individual has been as badly affected as Johanna Groothuizen. Hanna – the name she uses – is now missing her … Read more

Bionic legs directly connected to nervous system enable unprecedented level of brain control

Helping amputees walk naturally – YouTube View on A groundbreaking surgical procedure gives amputees bionic limbs that are controlled directly by the nervous system, allowing patients to sense the position of the limb in space. Scientists have demonstrated the success of this technique in a new study of seven people who were given bionic legs, … Read more

Groundbreaking CERN experiments give physicists unprecedented new insights into the mysteries of the universe – The Debrief


Major recent developments, driven by support from CERN, the European Organisation for Nuclear Research, are providing deeper insights into the fundamental nature of our universe. The ongoing experiments at CERN are aimed at exploring the smallest building blocks of matter and the forces that govern them. By revealing the dynamics of these forces, scientists can … Read more

Scientists discover new behavior of membranes that could lead to unprecedented separations

Nanoscale solutes with only small differences in size can be separated by membranes with identical pores – if they have enough opportunities to try. Credit: Argonne National Laboratory. Imagine a basketball game that comes down to the last shot. The chance of the ball going through the hoop may be quite small, but it would … Read more

Anti-aging research is taking a giant leap forward thanks to unprecedented telomere technology

LA JOLLA, California – Researchers at the Salk Institute have developed a groundbreaking technique called Telo-seq that will revolutionize our understanding of telomeres, the protective caps at the ends of our chromosomes. Telomeres play a crucial role in maintaining the integrity of our genetic material, but their repetitive nature and length have long presented challenges … Read more

Martian meteorites found on Earth provide unprecedented insight into the Red Planet

Chassigny meteorite in cross-polarized light – Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego When a meteorite hit Mars eleven million years ago, pieces of the Red Planet flew into space – and some of them landed on Earth in the form of meteorites, providing unprecedented evidence about the planet’s composition. Now scientists at UC … Read more

Once-in-2,000-year event: Study explains unprecedented ice loss in Antarctica, equivalent to 10x the size of Britain


In 2023, Antarctic sea ice fell to historically low levels, prompting researchers to use CMIP6 climate models to assess the rarity of the event and its link to climate change. The study found that without climate change such a drastic reduction would be extremely rare, but current climate conditions made it more likely. The research … Read more

New ‘atlas’ offers unprecedented insights into how genes function in early embryo development

This article was reviewed according to Science fact checked peer-reviewed publication trusted source proofread OK! This gallery shows a collection of embryos after genes were blocked one by one. The different outcomes (or observed characteristics) for each embryo reflect the specific functions of the genes tested. Credit: Rebecca Green, Oegema Lab, UC San Diego × … Read more