Breakthrough in ‘time-traveling’ quantum sensor allows scientists to collect data from the past – The Debrief

time traveling quantum

Time travel, widely recognized as a staple of science fiction stories and movies, is at least theoretically possible under certain conditions. These include situations such as extremely fast space travel, and the traveler’s proximity to particularly strong gravitational sources. However, new research suggests that scientists may be getting closer to making the manipulation of time … Read more

Researchers show how to build ‘time-traveling’ quantum sensors

Fisher information achievable with single-qubit sensor. Credit: Physical assessment letters (2024). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.132.260801 The idea of ​​time travel has baffled sci-fi fans for years. Science tells us that traveling into the future is technically feasible—at least if you’re willing to travel close to the speed of light—but going back in time is a no-go. But … Read more