Thatched cottages: a beloved feature of threatened villages

They are the architectural epitome of the English character. But the thatched cottage, a beloved feature of small villages, is under threat, conservationists warn. A combination of wet summers, outdated machinery, the war in Ukraine and Brexit has led to skyrocketing costs for straw production. These factors, combined with the shortage of skilled thatchers, are … Read more

Banker saw the woman being ‘attacked’ by Palestinian supporters

Millionaire investment banker Jonathan Kaye was threatened, anti-Semitic slurs and doused with a mysterious liquid moments before he was filmed punching a woman at a Brooklyn Pride parade, a source with knowledge of the incident told Insiders close to the 52-year-old banker claim the viral clip does not capture Saturday’s full clash, which began … Read more

REVEALED: Millionaire investment banker Jonathan Kaye filmed hitting woman, felt threatened after four ‘Queers for Palestine’ protesters threw anti-Semitic comments at him and left him bleeding moments before viral incident

Jonathan Kaye was recorded throwing a vicious punch at the unnamed woman during a parade in Brooklyn on Saturday night, although no official investigation has been launched by the NYPD.

Millionaire investment banker Jonathan Kaye was threatened, anti-Semitic slurs and doused with a mysterious liquid moments before he was filmed punching a woman at a Brooklyn Pride parade, a source with knowledge of the incident told Insiders close to the 52-year-old banker claim the viral clip does not capture Saturday’s full clash, which began … Read more

Ice cream truck owner criticizes the municipality for ‘outdated’ calling rules

By Dan Grennan 12:06 May 27, 2024, updated 1:11 PM May 27, 2024 Share or comment on this article: It’s one of the sounds of the British summer, but an ice cream van owner’s noise has landed him in trouble after complaining it’s ‘too loud’. John Barton, who runs Harrison’s Ices in Lincolnshire, was shocked … Read more

Driver threatened and shouted at woman in viral road rage incident

Peter Abbott got out of his car and approached a scared Samantha Isaacs after the minor incident outside a Tesco petrol station. Ms Isaacs locked her doors and began filming the irate 60-year-old as he pounded his fists on the windscreen and unleashed a foul-mouthed tirade. Mr Abbott called Ms Isaccs, who runs a TV … Read more