Webb Telescope Reveals Spectacular Star Formation in Celestial Hourglass

Webb Telescope Unveils Spectacular Star Formation in Celestial Hourglass

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has provided a breathtaking glimpse into the early stages of star formation, capturing the dramatic development of a protostar in a luminous hourglass-shaped cloud. This observation, which illuminates the complex processes involved in star birth, provides profound insights into the behavior and evolution of young stellar objects. Observation of … Read more

Wonderful opportunity to see the Milky Way in the sky without a telescope

The Milky Way is visible every night, but most people have never seen it. Our galaxy appears as a linear collection of stars sweeping across the south sky. The Milky Way will be visible in the night sky in the Northern Hemisphere from late June to early JulySource: Getty Light pollution from highways, cities and … Read more

Extremely large telescope: The world’s largest telescope mirror brings the stars closer to Earth


This artist’s rendering shows a night-time view of the Extremely Large Telescope in operation on Cerro Armazones in northern Chile. The telescope is shown using lasers to create artificial stars high in the atmosphere. Credit: ESO/L. Calçada Last segment of world’s largest telescope mirror successfully cast The Extremely Large Telescope in Chile, due for completion … Read more

Webb Telescope Discovers Mysterious ‘Little Red Dots’ at Cosmic Dawn – Debrief

tiny red dots

One of the surprising discoveries of the Webb telescope is an early population of compact red galaxies at redshifts above 7, a time when the universe was 20 times younger than it is today. The galaxies are redder than expected based on their cosmological redshift, suggesting additional reddening by a layer of dust. Some of … Read more

The earliest, most distant galaxy discovered with the Webb telescope dates to 300 million years after the Big Bang

This infrared image from NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope was taken by the Near-Infrared Camera for the JWST Advanced Deep Extragalactic Survey program – Credit: NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI, Brant Robertson (UC Santa Cruz), Ben Johnson (CfA), Sandro Tacchella (Cambridge), Phill Cargile (CfA) For two years, an international team has been studying what astronomers call … Read more

I tried the first smartphone-based telescope and took next-level photos of the moon – then galaxies and nebulas

Vaonis Hestia smart telescope on a tripod pointing up at the night sky with a Google Pixel phone attached

Telescopes are evolving and their appeal is increasing. The Vaonis Hestia is a perfect example of this. It was first announced almost a year ago, as the world’s first smartphone telescope. It should make astronomy more accessible than ever – and I tested it extensively for its stargazing strides. The Hestia is a fresh take … Read more

James Webb Space Telescope sees strange shapes above Jupiter’s Great Red Spot


Using the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), astronomers have discovered previously unseen structures and activity in Jupiter’s atmosphere above the Great Red Spot. These strange features appear to be caused by powerful atmospheric gravitational waves. The Great Red Spot is the largest storm in the solar system, twice the size of Earth, and has been … Read more

James Webb Space Telescope spies strange shapes above Jupiter’s Great Red Spot (image)

(Right) Jupiter as seen by the JWST (Left) a close up of the Great Red Spot, the solar system

Using the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), astronomers have found previously invisible structures and activity in Jupiter’s atmosphere above the Great Red Spot. These strange features appear to be caused by powerful atmospheric gravitational waves. The Great Red Spot is the largest storm in the solar system, twice the size of Earth, and has been … Read more

James Webb Space Telescope Sees ‘Cosmic Gems’ in the Extremely Early Universe (Video)

Using the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), astronomers have discovered star clusters in the ‘Cosmic Gems’ arc that existed just 460 million years after the Big Bang. This marks the first discovery of star clusters in a young galaxy, as it was when the 13.8 billion-year-old universe was less than 500 million years old. The … Read more

Hubble Space Telescope provides new insights into Starburst galaxy NGC 5253

Hubble Space Telescope Provides New Insights Into Starburst Galaxy Ngc 5253

The Hubble Space Telescope has captured stunning images of NGC 5253, a blue compact dwarf galaxy, revealing crucial details about its intense star-forming activities. NGC 5253, located about 11 million light-years away in the constellation Centaurus, offers a unique opportunity to study stellar evolution and galaxy formation. Observations from NASA’s Hubble Telescope and their significance … Read more