Rainforest of supertrees from lost supercontinent Gondwana is being created in Australia

Lush forest filled with tall Mountain Ash and ferns, located in the Yarra Ranges National Park, Victoria

Researchers in Australia are building a “living seed bank” to protect the continent’s last remaining rainforests from climate change. One goal is to prevent the extinction of ancient trees whose ancestral roots can be traced back to Gondwana, the supercontinent that existed before Earth’s continents separated hundreds of millions of years ago. Historically, Australia’s lush … Read more

Ancient reptile fossil sheds new light on early marine evolution

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Scientists have discovered a 246-million-year-old fossil of a marine reptile, the oldest of its kind found in the Southern Hemisphere, shedding new light on the early evolution of marine mammals. The largest mass extinction in the fossil record – known as ‘The Great Dying’ – occurred around 252 million years ago, wiping out around 95% … Read more

Ancient reptile fossil sheds new light on early marine evolution

You can get a 2022 MacBook Air at a record-low $829 today, and it

Scientists have discovered a 246-million-year-old fossil of a marine reptile, the oldest of its kind found in the Southern Hemisphere, shedding new light on the early evolution of marine mammals. The largest mass extinction in the fossil record – known as ‘The Great Dying’ – occurred around 252 million years ago, wiping out around 95% … Read more