Study of meteorite ‘Northwest Africa 14250’ reveals the composition of the early solar system

This article was reviewed according to Science fact checked peer-reviewed publication trusted source proofread OK! Petrology and composition of dark clasts from CR NWA 14250. Backscattered electron (BSE) images of (A) a large chondrule-containing clast and (B) a smaller clast without chondrules. (C) Average laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer analyzes of the dark clast … Read more

Study links brain region to paranoia – Neuroscience News

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Resume: Researchers found that a specific brain region, the mediodorsal thalamus, can cause feelings of paranoia. Aligning data from studies in monkeys and humans, they found that lesions in this brain region led to erratic behavior and increased perception of the volatility of the environment. The study provides a new framework for understanding human cognition … Read more

Wild new study suggests gravity can exist without mass

What is gravity without mass? Both Newton’s revolutionary laws describing its universal effect and Einstein’s proposal of a dimpled space-time have led us to think of gravity as falling solely within the domain of matter. Now a wild new study suggests that gravity can exist without mass, easily eliminating the need for one of the … Read more

Astronauts are living with a drug-busting ‘superbug’ that mutated in orbit, study says

A NEW alien ‘superbug’ has been discovered aboard the International Space Station. Despite the highly controlled environment on the ISS, an insect hitched a ride into space, where scientists were able to observe the mutating pathogen over the course of two years. A mutated, drug-resistant ‘superbug’ has been found aboard the International Space Station.Credit: Getty … Read more

SpaceX’s Inspiration4 astronauts got genetically younger in space: study

two people in black shirts float inside a cramped spacecraft capsule; one holds a small handheld device up to her eye

Research shows that the four crew members of Inspiration4, the first ever fully civilian space mission, have become genetically younger during their time in space. But the effects didn’t last long. Scientists are now trying to unravel how the space environment affects human DNA. The Inspiration4 crew members had a packed schedule during their three-day … Read more

NASA is considering an interstellar probe to study the heliosphere, the region of space influenced by the sun

This article was reviewed according to Science fact checked trusted source written by researcher(s) proofread OK! An artistic representation of the heliosphere, the sun’s area of ​​influence in space. Little is known about the actual shape of the heliosphere. Credit: NASA × close to An artistic representation of the heliosphere, the sun’s area of ​​influence … Read more

Neanderthals and humans interbred for nearly 7,000 years 47,000 years ago, study shows

Model skeletons of a neanderthal and human

Neanderthal genes found in modern humans may have entered our DNA through an interval of interbreeding that began about 47,000 years ago and lasted nearly 7,000 years, new research shows. Neanderthals were among the most extinct relatives of modern humans (Homo sapiens), with the ancestors of both lineages diverging about 500,000 years ago. More than … Read more

Neanderthals and humans interbred for nearly 7,000 years 47,000 years ago, study shows

Neanderthal genes found in modern humans may have entered our DNA through an interval of interbreeding that began about 47,000 years ago and lasted nearly 7,000 years, new research shows. Neanderthals were among the most extinct relatives of modern humans (Homo sapiens), with the ancestors of both lineages diverging about 500,000 years ago. More than … Read more

Gravity without mass? New study challenges the existence of hypothetical dark matter – The Debrief


A recent study that poses new challenges to the existence of dark matter suggests that gravity can exist even in the absence of mass. Although all life on Earth experiences its effects every day, gravity remains one of the great mysteries of modern physics. Now, a new study published by Dr. Richard Lieu of the … Read more

Once-in-2,000-year event: Study explains unprecedented ice loss in Antarctica, equivalent to 10x the size of Britain


In 2023, Antarctic sea ice fell to historically low levels, prompting researchers to use CMIP6 climate models to assess the rarity of the event and its link to climate change. The study found that without climate change such a drastic reduction would be extremely rare, but current climate conditions made it more likely. The research … Read more