‘Once-in-a-lifetime’ interstellar explosion will be visible from Earth this summer: NASA

A star is dead? Keep your eyes on the sky, stargazers: NASA has predicted that the highly anticipated “once-in-a-life-time” star explosion – or nova – will be visible to the naked eye sometime this summer, according to a recent press release. β€œIt’s incredibly exciting to have a front row seat,” said Dr. Rebekah Hounsell, assistant … Read more

Siberia’s ‘Gateway to Hell’ is rapidly expanding in size, scientists discover

A crater in Siberia is expanding faster than expected due to climate change, scientists have discovered, saying it is now causing problems for the surrounding habitat. Known as the ‘Gateway to Hell’ and located in the icy Yana Highlands, the Batagaika slump currently covers about 200 hectares of land and can be seen in satellite … Read more