Dealmaker Steven Klinsky is quietly hitting home runs away from the ’80s spotlight

Dealmaker Steven Klinsky had a front-row seat to the most dramatic takeover drama Wall Street has ever seen: the merciless, multibillion-dollar battle for control of RJR Nabisco. From that battle in the 1980s, he learned a formative lesson: Stay away from the highly leveraged takeovers orchestrated by reckless debt junkies. The results were a quiet … Read more

How is STEVE doing? New find adds a twist to the Aurora-like riddle

STEVE, a strange ribbon of purple and green haze discovered by citizen scientists in 2016, just got weirder. While sifting through archival data, a team of scientists discovered that the aurora-like phenomenon has a secret twin that moves in the opposite direction. Evil’s Michael Emerson on working opposite a giant, hairy demon with five eyes … Read more