NASA’s Webb reveals long-studied star is actually a twin – NASA

WL20 group of stars is located in the Rho Ophiuchi star-forming region

Webb’s mid-infrared instrument, which was managed by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory until launch, also revealed jets of gas streaming into space from the twin stars. Scientists recently got a big surprise from NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope when they pointed the observatory at a group of young stars called WL 20. The region has been … Read more

NASA Telescope Discovers Exploding Stars “Almost Everywhere”

ancient supernovae jwst

NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope has uncovered an unprecedented collection of ancient supernovae. Astronomers announced that they have found ten times more of these stellar explosions than previously known in the early days of the universe. Some of these approximately 80 newly discovered supernovae exploded when the universe was only about 2 billion years old … Read more

‘Once-in-a-lifetime’ nova explosion will add a new star to the night sky in a dazzling spectacle: NASA

American news By means of Patrick Reilly Published June 12, 2024, 10:59 PM ET Scientists around the world are eagerly awaiting a cosmic nova event that NASA says will add a “new star” to the night sky sometime between now and September. The spectacle will be so bright that it will be visible to the … Read more

Astronomers discover parallel disks and jets erupting from some young stars

This article was reviewed according to Science fact checked trusted source proofread OK! Left, a mid-infrared image of the rho Ophiuchi molecular cloud complex taken by NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope, with the focus pointing toward the galaxy WL20. On the right, WL20 expands to reveal an artist’s impression of this new discovery. Astronomers couldn’t believe … Read more

Enters the Heat of the Battle – NASA’s Chandra Monitors Habitability of Exoplanets – NASA

This image shows a three-dimensional map of stars near the Sun. These stars are so close that they could be prime targets for direct searches for planets using future telescopes. The blue halos represent stars observed with NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory and ESA’s XMM-Newton. The yellow star in the center of this diagram represents the … Read more

NASA’s Roman mission gets cosmic ‘sneak peek’ from supercomputers – NASA

Simulated Roman image full of synthetic galaxies

Researchers delve into a synthetic universe to help us better understand the real universe. Using supercomputers at the Department of Energy’s Argonne National Laboratory in Illinois, scientists have created nearly 4 million simulated images of the cosmos from NASA’s Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope and the Vera C. Rubin Observatory, jointly funded by NSF (the … Read more

Dark matter decoded: how neutron stars could solve the universe’s greatest mystery


A recent study from the ARC Center of Excellence for Dark Matter Particle Physics suggests that neutron stars could play a crucial role in understanding dark matter. The study found that when dark matter particles collide into neutron stars, they can quickly heat these stars, potentially making them observable with future astronomical technologies. This rapid … Read more

‘Vampire stars’ explode after eating too much – AI could help reveal why

A white orb is in the center. To the right, there

Scientists have turned to artificial intelligence (AI) to better understand why some dead stellar remnants called white dwarf stars explode. These energetic explosions, called Type Ia supernovae, could be responsible for forging heavy elements and spreading them throughout the cosmos. It is these elements that could become the building blocks of future stars, planets or … Read more

‘Super’ star cluster shines in new look of NASA’s Chandra – NASA

Star Cluster Westerlund 1.

Westerlund 1 is the largest and closest ‘super’ star cluster to Earth. New data from NASA’s Chandra These are the first data released publicly from a project called the Extended Westerlund 1 and 2 Open Clusters Survey, or EWOCS, led by astronomers at Italy’s National Institute of Astrophysics in Palermo. As part of EWOCS, Chandra … Read more

JWST discovers a wide variety of carbon-rich gases that serve as ingredients for future planets around very low-mass stars

Artist’s impression of a protoplanetary disk around a very low mass star. It shows a selection of hydrocarbon molecules (methane, CH4; Ethan, C2H6; Ethylene, C2H2; Diacetylene, C4H2; Propyne, C3H4; Benzene, C6H6) detected on the disk around ISO-ChaI 147. Credit: ALMA (ESO/NAOJ/NRAO) / MPIA Planets form in disks of gas and dust that orbit young stars. … Read more