Huge radio telescope array investigates the birth of planets around twin stars

Two orange circles with glowing circles at their centers against black backgrounds.

Astronomers have gained new insight into the formation of planets around twin stars that orbit each other. Despite the fact that we are most familiar with planets orbiting a single central star – such as the arrangement of our Solar System – more than 50% of the stars in the cosmos exist in a binary … Read more

How to spot a once-in-a-lifetime nova explosion over US skies


The night sky might be about to get a brand new star in a few weeks. T Coronae Borealis, also known as the “Blaze Star” or T CrB, is a binary star system located approximately 3,000 light-years from Earth. It could explode in spectacular fashion any day now. Normally too dim to see with the … Read more

The Gaia Space Telescope helps astronomers image hidden objects around bright stars

A glowing orange and brown sphere next to a brighter orange sphere.

Scientists have directly imaged eight dim objects in Gaia’s data catalog that accompany very bright stars, including so-called “failed stars,” also known as brown dwarfs. The stars and their companions were originally identified from millions of stars in the Gaia catalog. They were considered ideal for follow-up research with the ground-based GRAVITY instrument, an advanced … Read more

‘Immortal’ stars at the center of the Milky Way may have found an endless source of energy, research suggests

An illustration of the Milky Way

A special cluster of stars swirling around the violent center of the Milky Way could become “immortal” by continually capturing and destroying dark matter particles in their cores, a new study suggests. Researchers discovered this using computer simulations of stellar evolution dark matter particles captured by the gravity of these stars can often collide and … Read more

How neutron stars ‘playing cool’ can unlock exotic physics

a blazing blue ball of light bordered in white, with red/pink poles. Blue loops of light shoot out and back in large arches in dusty space.

Scientists have discovered that there are three neutron starsborn in the fires of other exploding stars, have cooled surprisingly quickly, bringing us closer to understanding the exotic nature of the matter in the cores of these extreme objects. The discovery was made by a Spanish team led by Alessio Marino from the Institute of Space … Read more

NASA’s Chandra peers at the densest and strangest stars – NASA

This is an image of the leftovers from an exploded star called 3C 58, shown in X-ray and optical light. At the center of the remnant is a rapidly spinning neutron star, called a pulsar, that presents itself as a bright white object that's somewhat elongated in shape.

The supernova remnant 3C 58 contains a spinning neutron star at its center, known as PSR J0205+6449. Astronomers have studied this neutron star and others like it to investigate the nature of matter in these very dense objects. A new study, conducted using NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory and ESA’s In this image of 3C 58, … Read more

‘Once-in-a-lifetime’ interstellar explosion will be visible from Earth this summer: NASA

A star is dead? Keep your eyes on the sky, stargazers: NASA has predicted that the highly anticipated “once-in-a-life-time” star explosion – or nova – will be visible to the naked eye sometime this summer, according to a recent press release. “It’s incredibly exciting to have a front row seat,” said Dr. Rebekah Hounsell, assistant … Read more

New simulations reveal hot neutrinos trapped during collisions with neutron stars

This article was reviewed according to Science fact checked peer-reviewed publication trusted source proofread OK! Volume representation of the density in a simulation of a binary neutron star merger. New research shows that neutrinos created in the hot interface between merging stars can be briefly trapped and remain out of equilibrium with the cold cores … Read more

Ancient star found while zooming out on a rare discovery

fast star

A stunningly fast star that is one of the oldest in the Milky Way has been spotted crossing our Milky Way by astronomers looking for something completely different. The scientists noticed that the fast star was moving at a speed of 2.1 million kilometers per hour, almost three times the speed of our own Sun, … Read more

Super-fast baby stars circle like a swarm of bees around the supermassive black hole Sgr A*

This article was reviewed according to Science fact checked peer-reviewed publication trusted source proofread OK! Multiwavelength finding plot of the innermost ≈0.4 pc. of the galactic center observed in the K-band (red) and L-band (blue), observed with NACO (VLT). Credit: Astronomy and astrophysics (2024). DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/202449729 × close to Multiwavelength finding plot of the innermost … Read more