Supermassive black hole winds blowing at speeds of 56 million kilometers per hour can shape entire galaxies

A glowing red and orange disk with a black circle at its center and blue streaks coming from it.

A bright quasar, powered by a supermassive black hole, emits radiation that pushes clouds of gas away from its surroundings, generating winds at speeds of about 58 million kilometers per hour. Oh, and the quasar is also almost as old as the universe itself. The discovery, made by a team of scientists led by astronomers … Read more

Supermassive black hole winds blowing at speeds of 56 million kilometers per hour can shape entire galaxies

A bright quasar, powered by a supermassive black hole, emits radiation that pushes clouds of gas away from its surroundings, generating winds at speeds of about 58 million kilometers per hour. Oh, and the quasar is also almost as old as the universe itself. The discovery, made by a team of scientists led by astronomers … Read more

“Halo Drive” could reach relativistic speeds by firing light around a black hole

If we want to one day explore the galaxy (let alone the rest of the universe), we have a speed problem. In late 2023, NASA’s Parker Solar Probe reached the fastest speed ever achieved by a man-made object, clocking in at 635,266 kilometers (394,736 miles) per hour. While impressive, that’s only 0.059 percent of the … Read more