The British election winner’s first problem: solving a stagnant economy

“Our economy has really turned around,” said Rishi Sunak, the British Prime Minister, last week as he introduced his party’s election manifesto, backed by recent data showing that the British economy had emerged from a recession stronger than at the start of the crisis was expected. years and that inflation had slowed significantly. Justifying the … Read more

Astronomers are getting closer to solving the lingering mystery of fast radio bursts

A oval of yellow, green, blue, and purple dots with flashing white dots that appear and disappear

Fast radio bursts (FRBs) are intense, short-lived bursts of radio waves originating from outside the Milky Way that can emit the same amount of energy in just thousandths of a second as it takes the Sun three days to emit. However, despite their power and the fact that up to 10,000 FRBs can erupt in … Read more

Solving the chicken-and-egg problem of green hydrogen

Andrew Cunningham, CEO of ‘green’ hydrogen company GeoPura, likens the challenge of scaling the sector to a gridlock. “It’s about breaking through the ‘chicken and egg’,” he says. There is a “cycle of people not building hydrogen production capacity because they are not sure who will use it. . . And [of] people who do … Read more

Solving an age-old mystery: paleontologists shed new light on the extinction of the woolly rhinoceros


Woolly rhinos were once widely distributed across northern and central Eurasia before becoming extinct about 10,000 years ago. Credit: Mauricio Anton Advanced computer modeling shows that persistent human hunting contributed to the extinction of the woolly rhino by blocking their migration to new habitats during post-ice age warming. This underlines the continued impact of human … Read more