Soapbox: How does your personality influence your gaming behavior?

Image: Roy Smoothe / Pexels Soapbox features allow our individual writers and contributors to share their opinions on hot topics and random things they’ve been munching on. Today, Nathan looks at how his analytical mind and love of data influences his downtime… I am the oldest of four brothers. For the past four years, we … Read more

54 Switch ports we’d like to see before the generation is over

Image: Nintendo Life Since 2017 we’ve seen a large number of ports come to Switch, many of which seemed impossible beforehand. Surprises like Doom (2016), which arrived in the system’s launch year, and 2019’s Witcher 3 showed that while some smart optimization was needed, Nintendo’s console could be deliver perfectly playable and utterly engaging portable … Read more

Could another Nintendo series adopt the ‘traditional’ Zelda template?

The candidates – Light fantasy While not necessarily part of the traditional Zelda formula, a light fantasy setting is a hallmark of all Zelda titles. It is also common in Zelda clones. Here are a few franchises Nintendo could use if they stuck to the fantasy trope: Child Ikarus Let’s start this list with perhaps … Read more