Scientists discover the possible origin of the sun’s magnetic field, and it’s not where they thought it was

Faint loops of plasma on the sun

Scientists have found the possible origin of the sun‘s magnetic field, and it’s not where they thought it was. The discovery, made using complex computer simulations, suggests that the Sun’s magnetic field arises from instabilities in the plasma in the outer layers of the Sun’s surface, rather than deep within the star, as researchers previously … Read more

Scientists determine properties of extremely rare element: Promethium | Sci.News

Conceptual art shows the rare earth element promethium in a vial surrounded by an organic ligand. Image credit: Jacqueline DeMink / Thomas Dyke / ORNL.

Promethium is extremely rare: only about 0.5 kg occurs naturally in the Earth’s crust at any time. Conceptual art shows the rare earth element promethium in a vial surrounded by an organic ligand. Image credits: Jacqueline DeMink / Thomas Dyke / ORNL. Promethium, discovered in 1945 at Clinton Laboratories, is a lanthanide element with the … Read more

Scientists can grow new diamonds in 15 minutes thanks to a groundbreaking new process

a diamond

Scientists have used a new technique to synthesize diamonds at normal atmospheric pressure and without a starter gemstone, making the precious gemstones much easier to grow in the laboratory. Natural diamonds form in the Earth’s mantle, buried the molten zone hundreds of kilometers beneath the planet’s surface. The process occurs under enormous pressure of several … Read more

Again, Einstein! Scientists discover where matter ‘falls’ into black holes

A black ball in the center of the screen looks to be falling into a warped spacetime diagram.

Scientists have confirmed for the first time that the fabric of spacetime takes a “final plunge” at the edge of a black hole. The observation of this crashing region around black holes was made by astrophysicists at Oxford University Physics, and helps validate a key prediction of Albert Einstein’s 1915 theory of gravity: general relativity. … Read more

The 180-million-year-old secret of evolution: Scientists discover potential origin of the first ‘warm-blooded’ dinosaurs


Recent research indicates that some dinosaurs may have evolved the ability to regulate their body temperature internally during the Early Jurassic period, allowing them to adapt to colder climates and survive environmental challenges. The artist’s impression shows a dromaeosaur, a type of feathered theropod, in the snow. This group of dinosaurs is popularly known as … Read more

In two new studies, scientists see signs of fundamental climate shifts in Antarctica – Inside Climate News

A decline of Antarctic sea ice will affect the entire food chain by changing the availability of plankton and krill, and in some cases, crowding animals closer together. Credit: Bob Berwyn/Inside Climate News

Antarctica’s vast ice fields and the floating sea ice that surrounds the continent are Earth’s largest heat shields, reflecting solar radiation away from the planet. Two studies released today show how global warming is penetrating even the sunlight reflector in the coldest region on Earth. Research by scientists from the British Antarctic Survey focused on … Read more

Scientists are working on a unified theory of consciousness

The origins of consciousness have plagued the minds of philosophers and scientists for centuries. In the past decade, neuroscientists have begun to map its neural basis, that is, how the brain, through its intricate connections, transforms electrical signals between neurons into consciousness. Yet the field is fragmented, an international team of neuroscientists recently wrote in … Read more

Scientists discover that a single atomic defect in 2D material can retain quantum information at room temperature

This article was reviewed according to Science fact checked peer-reviewed publication trusted source proofread OK! Scaling of spin coherence under dynamic decoupling. aDynamic disconnection measurements with NÏ€ refocusing pulses, with each measurement suitable for exp[−(t/TDD)α]. bSpin coherence time TDD (purple triangles) as a function of the number of refocusing pulses NÏ€. Credit: Natural materials (2024). … Read more

Scientists discover ‘striking’ ancient arachnid with large spiny legs | CNN

Paul Selden/Museum für Naturkunde The newly discovered species has distinctive spiny legs. Sign up for CNN’s Wonder Theory science newsletter. Explore the universe with news about fascinating discoveries, scientific developments and more. CNN — The idea of ​​unexpectedly coming face to face with a spider-like creature is enough to horrify any arachnophobe, let alone encountering … Read more

Scientists discover link between Covid vaccination and rare ‘cold blood disease’

Scientists have discovered a link between a complication of the COVID-19 vaccine and the complication caused by a rare ‘cold blood disease’. The research, led by Flinders University and international experts, deepens our understanding of vaccine-induced immune thrombocytopenia and thrombosis (known as VITT). Following the first waves of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, governments around … Read more