Scientists unravel the 2,000-year-old shipworm mystery: the world’s most destructive mollusk


New research has found that shipworms digest wood using symbiotic microbes in their guts, a discovery that overturns previous insights and has significant implications for biotechnology and environmental modeling. A cross-section of Belfast dock pilings, riddled with shipwormholes. Credit: Barry Goodell Unlocking the secrets of the world’s most fascinating and destructive mollusk could impact everything … Read more

Compressed nanoribbons of titanium and sulfur can transmit electricity without energy loss, scientists discover

This article was reviewed according to Science fact checked peer-reviewed publication trusted source proofread OK! Pressure-induced phases of TiS3. (A) Monoclinic crystal lattice of TiS3 (space group of P21/m (type-I)) at low pressure. The gray box outlines the periodic unit cell. Bond 1 (magenta) is 2.67 Å long, while bonds 2, 3, and 4 (dark … Read more

The Megafauna Mystery: Scientists Uncover New Clues to What Happened to North America’s Largest Animals


Fifty thousand years ago, North America was home to megafauna such as mammoths and sabre-tooth tigers. Their extinction, possibly due to the arrival of humans or climate change, remains unsolved. Using ZooMS technology, researchers analyzed ancient bones from the Smithsonian Museum, highlighting the importance of preserving archaeological collections for future discoveries. USNM 23792, Mammuthus primigenius … Read more

Scientists have discovered a new way to look inside crystals

A new technique that produces 3D models of individual crystals has opened a window for scientists to see the subtle deviations that emerge from their otherwise perfect patterns. Researchers at New York University (NYU) went back to the drawing board to look deep into solids made up of repeating units and determine how they grow. … Read more

Scientists are getting closer to the holy grail of clean energy |

After decades of failed attempts, scientists believe they are finally getting closer to achieving nuclear fusion on the scale needed to produce abundant clean energy. Several successful tests in recent years have made energy experts optimistic about the future of nuclear fusion, although some believe we are still a long way from achieving fusion on … Read more

Strange radio signal from deep space baffles scientists

We’ve received a strange signal from across the galaxy, and astronomers are struggling to understand what it means. They know what is sending the signals. It is a neutron star called ASKAP J193505.1+214841.0 (ASKAP J1935+2148 for short), located in the plane of the Milky Way, about 15,820 light-years from Earth. But the signals themselves are … Read more

Scientists are mapping one of Earth’s greatest dangers in the Pacific Northwest

Scientists have mapped one of the most dangerous places on earth in unprecedented detail: a geological boundary spanning more than 1,000 kilometers just off the northwest coast of the Pacific Ocean. Along this loaded stretch, called the Cascadia subduction zone, two pieces of the Earth’s crust slide against each other, building stresses that could cause … Read more

Scientists record Earth’s radio waves from the moon

This article was reviewed according to Science fact checked trusted source proofread OK! Credit: CC0 Public domain × close to Credit: CC0 Public domain On February 22, a lunar lander named Odysseus landed near the moon’s south pole and released four antennas to record radio waves around the surface — a moment that astrophysicist Jack … Read more

Scientists propose converting natural gas directly into hydrogen in gas fields

The process of hydrogen production from gas fields. Credit: Mukhina et al. / Fuel, 2024 Researchers at Skoltech have found a way to produce hydrogen from natural gas with an efficiency of 45%, directly in the gas field, by injecting steam and a catalyst into a well and adding oxygen to ignite the gas. The … Read more