Giant river system that existed 40 million years ago discovered deep beneath Antarctic ice

A decent sized boat floats in ocean water next to the vertical incline of an ice cliff.

Geologists exploring the vast West Antarctic ice sheet have discovered the remains of an ancient river system that once stretched nearly 1,000 miles (1,600 kilometers). The discovery offers a glimpse into Earth’s history and hints at how extreme climate change could reshape the planet, according to their findings published June 5 in the journal Science … Read more

40-million-year-old river discovered buried under Antarctic ice

Millions of years ago, Antarctica looked very different from the icy landscape we know today. A research expedition led by the Alfred Wegener Institute has uncovered a hidden secret. Geologists discovered evidence of an ancient river system by studying sediment samples from the Amundsen Sea. This suggests that Antarctica supported a temperate climate about 34 … Read more

Giant river system that existed 40 million years ago, discovered deep beneath the Antarctic ice

A research vessel in front of a massive iceberg

Geologists digging into West Antarctica’s vast ice sheet have discovered the remains of an ancient river system that once flowed nearly a thousand miles. The discovery offers a glimpse into Earth’s history and indicates how extreme climate change could change the planet, according to their findings, published June 5 in the journal Science Advances. “When … Read more

NASA’s Perseverance fords an ancient river to achieve a scientific goal

This map, superimposed on an image from NASA’s Mars Odyssey orbiter, shows Perseverance’s path between January 21 and June 11. White dots indicate where the rover stopped after completing a trip along the Neretva Vallis river channel. The light blue line shows the rover’s route within the canal. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/University of Arizona Originally considered little … Read more

NASA’s Perseverance fords an ancient river to achieve a scientific goal

This article was reviewed according to Science fact checked trusted source proofread OK! This map, superimposed on an image from NASA’s Mars Odyssey orbiter, shows Perseverance’s path between January 21 and June 11. White dots indicate where the rover stopped after completing a trip along the Neretva Vallis river channel. The light blue line shows … Read more

Scientists discover Antarctica’s lost river 34 million years later

Scientists have discovered that a river comparable in size to the Rio Grande once dominated West Antarctica, offering a rare glimpse of the continent’s land covered in ice today. It is believed that the 900-mile-long waterway flowed about 44 to 34 million years ago, shortly before the continent’s immensely thick ice sheets began to build … Read more