New research confirms the presence of benzene in natural gas and the possibility of undetectable indoor leaks

This article was reviewed according to Science fact checked peer-reviewed publication proofread OK! PSE Healthy Energy researchers collect samples of unburned natural gas from a kitchen stove. Credit: Alessandro Citterio × close to PSE Healthy Energy researchers collect samples of unburned natural gas from a kitchen stove. Credit: Alessandro Citterio New research shows that even … Read more

Mars is more susceptible to devastating asteroid impacts than we thought, new research shows

a deep, dark crater stands out on a reddish-orange planet

Mars could encounter more than twice as many encounters with potentially dangerous asteroids as Earth, according to a new study. This could jeopardize exploration missions to the Red Planet, but also provide insight into how the inner solar system formed. Asteroids pose the greatest threat to our planet from space; for example, the 2013 Chelyabinsk … Read more

21 new laser materials discovered in groundbreaking global research


Using distributed self-driving laboratory technology, the University of Toronto Acceleration Consortium has rapidly identified 21 high-quality organic solid-state laser (OSL) materials, marking a significant advance in molecular optoelectronics and paving the way for future materials discoveries. (Artist concept). Credit: Six research teams from five global laboratories have significantly reduced the timeline for material discovery … Read more

The shape and depth of the ocean floor have a major influence on the way carbon is stored there, research shows

This article was reviewed according to Science fact checked peer-reviewed publication trusted source proofread OK! Graphical representation of satellite-recorded bathymetric data of the Western Atlantic Ocean Basin and its ocean floor features. Credit: NOAA’s National Environmental Satellite and Information Service × close to Graphical representation of satellite-recorded bathymetric data of the Western Atlantic Ocean Basin … Read more

Martian meteorites found on Earth provide unprecedented insight into the Red Planet

Chassigny meteorite in cross-polarized light – Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego When a meteorite hit Mars eleven million years ago, pieces of the Red Planet flew into space – and some of them landed on Earth in the form of meteorites, providing unprecedented evidence about the planet’s composition. Now scientists at UC … Read more

Mars is more susceptible to devastating asteroid impacts than we thought, new research shows

A photo of a crater on Mars

Mars We may have more than twice as many encounters with potentially dangerous asteroids as Earth does, according to a new study. This could jeopardize exploration missions to the Red Planet, but also provide insight into how the inner solar system formed. Asteroids pose the greatest threat from space to our planet – the 2013 … Read more

Saturday Quotes: The sound of music, sneaky birds, better training for LLMs. Plus: Diversity improves research

This article was reviewed according to Science fact checked trusted source proofread OK! by Chris Packham, A male beautiful fairy wren brings food to a young Horsfield’s bronze cuckoo. Credit: Mark Lethlean × close to A male beautiful fairy wren brings food to a young Horsfield’s bronze cuckoo. Credit: Mark Lethlean In the small … Read more

AI can ‘fake’ empathy but also encourage Nazism, disturbing research suggests

A brain composed of wires

Computer scientists have discovered this artificial intelligence (AI) chatbots and large language models (LLMs) can unintentionally breed Nazism, sexism and racism in their conversation partners. When asked to show empathy, these conversation agents do so with great regularity, even when the people using them are self-described Nazis. Furthermore, the chatbots did nothing to challenge the … Read more

ORNL unlocks promethium properties with research into rare radioactive elements

Nearly 80 years after scientists at Oak Ridge National Laboratory discovered an extremely rare radioactive element called promethium, a team at the lab published a groundbreaking study on the subject that could “rewrite chemistry books,” according to ORNL. Research published in Nature on May 22 marks the first time scientists have discovered the element’s key … Read more

The Death of Vulcan: Research reveals that the planet is actually an astronomical illusion caused by stellar activity

This article was reviewed according to Science fact checked peer-reviewed publication trusted source proofread OK! Artist’s concept of a previously proposed possible planet, HD 26965 b, often compared to the fictional “Vulcan” in the Star Trek universe. Credit: JPL-Caltech × close to Artist’s concept of a previously proposed possible planet, HD 26965 b, often compared … Read more