MOND vs. Dark Matter: Research suggests that the rotation curves of galaxies remain flat indefinitely

The main technique Mistele used in his research, gravitational lensing, is a phenomenon predicted by Einstein’s general theory of relativity. As part of the research, Mistele plotted the so-called Tully-Fisher relationship on a map to highlight the empirical relationship between a galaxy’s visible mass and its rotation rate. In a discovery that challenges conventional understanding … Read more

New research shows that birds of prey use a unique air sac to fly over long distances

Large birds of prey such as falcons, ospreys, eagles and vultures can remain aloft, glide along rising air currents and fly over tens of thousands of kilometers while barely fluttering. Scientists and laypeople alike – fascinated by this feat – have wondered for centuries how they accomplished it. Now an international team of researchers … Read more

Groundbreaking research reveals a link between obesity, inflammation and aging


CNIO researchers have found that cells signaling that they contain excess nutrients can lead to organ malfunction and inflammation, potentially accelerating aging. Using animal models and comparisons with human blood samples, they have shown that targeting inflammation can alleviate the symptoms of aging and extend life, with implications for understanding diseases associated with aging and … Read more

New research highlights the alarming impact of sleep deprivation on cognitive function

(Photo credit: OpenAI's DALL·E)

A recent study published in Experimental brain research has shed new light on how total sleep deprivation affects the brain’s ability to process and integrate multiple stimuli presented in rapid succession. The researchers found that going a full day without sleep significantly impairs both attention and temporal integration mechanisms. In other words, going a whole … Read more

Sharks have depleted functional diversity compared to the past 66 million years, research shows

This article was reviewed according to Science fact checked peer-reviewed publication trusted source proofread OK! Credit: Pixabay/CC0 public domain × close to Credit: Pixabay/CC0 public domain New research from Swansea University and the University of Zurich has found that sharks maintained high levels of functional diversity for most of the past 66 million years, before … Read more

Research into the architecture of the heart offers new insight into human evolution

This article was reviewed according to Science fact checked peer-reviewed publication trusted source proofread OK! A photo of a chimpanzee mother and her child. Credit: Dr. Robert Shave, UBC Okanagan. × close to A photo of a chimpanzee mother and her child. Credit: Dr. Robert Shave, UBC Okanagan. An international research team from Swansea University … Read more

Vitamin may extend lifespan, new research suggests

older lady sun hat

Researchers from Japan’s Osaka University published a new study examining the relationship between sex cells, aging and sex. They found that vitamin D extends lifespan in fish, a result that will likely translate to other vertebrates, including humans. Dr. Tohru Ishitani, a researcher on the study of Nothobranchius furzeri (also known as killifish), said Newsweek … Read more

Complexity science could transform 21st century research. Here’s how.

A new science is emerging that promises to become the defining field of the 21st century. More than just a narrow specialization, it is not just a new field, but a new way of doing science – a new way of organizing intellectual domains and endeavors. Given its broad impact, it goes by several names, … Read more

Research shows that plant pathogens reuse phage elements for bacterial warfare

This article was reviewed according to Science fact checked peer-reviewed publication trusted source proofread OK! Credit: Pixabay/CC0 public domain × close to Credit: Pixabay/CC0 public domain Bacteriophages, viruses that attack and destroy bacteria, are ubiquitous in the natural world where they play a crucial role in regulating microbe populations in ways that are not yet … Read more

Isotope research shows that men and women had equal access to resources 6,000 years ago

This article was reviewed according to Science fact checked peer-reviewed publication trusted source proofread OK! In orange the location of the Barmaz site, looking south. It is located on the plain, at the foot of the Chablais massif, which rises to an altitude of 2,500 meters. The site is divided into two contemporary cemeteries called … Read more