Genetic patterns of world’s farmed, domesticated foxes revealed through historically in-depth research

Photo: Anna Kukekova, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Domesticated animals play a prominent role in our society, with two-thirds of American families enjoying the companionship of pets and many others relying on animal products for their dietary needs. But the process of domestication remains somewhat of a mystery. Convincing wild animals that they are safe enough … Read more

CERN ATLAS experiment releases 65 TB of open data for research

Open Data at the ATLAS Experiment. Credit: ATLAS Collaboration/CERN The ATLAS Experiment at CERN has made two years of scientific data available to the public for research purposes. The data include recordings of proton-proton collisions from the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at a collision energy of 13 TeV. This is the first time ATLAS has … Read more

Research shows that Darwin and Wallace are both right about the evolution of butterflies

Birdwing butterflies of the Troides haliphron species group, with females (right) being noticeably more diverse than males (left). Credit: Natural History Museum. 2024. Birdwing butterflies (from collection specimens). Licensed under CC-BY-4.0. Groundbreaking AI research on butterflies has explored the understudied evolution of females and adds to the debate among evolution’s founding fathers. The University of … Read more

Plant identified that could grow on Mars

mars and moss

A future civilization on Mars could be accompanied by a very special and resilient plant. A type of moss found in the desert – called Syntrichia caninervis—may be able to survive and thrive in the harsh conditions of Mars, according to a new paper in the journal Mars The innovation. This moss can grow in … Read more

Small business bosses hit out at HMRC

Rejecting valid submissions, delaying payments and reclaiming tax credits Government’s flagship program offers financial lifeline to many small businesses Scheme is key to government plans to make UK a ‘tech superpower’ by 2030 HM Revenue & Customs is under fire for clamping down on businesses by denying genuine claims for research and development tax breaks … Read more

Research into recently discovered hydrothermal vents at a depth of 3,000 meters off the coast of Spitsbergen

The temperature reading at the outlet of the black smoker showed fluid temperatures in excess of 300°C. Credit: University of Bremen Hydrothermal vents are found all over the world at the intersections of floating tectonic plates. But there are still many hydrothermal fields yet to be discovered. During a 2022 MARIA S. MERIAN expedition, the … Read more

Texas’ state mammal gets new name


Research has shown that a group of armadillos originally thought to be a single species may actually consist of four separate species. The nine-banded armadillo, the official small mammal of Texas, may actually be four different species, one of which is new to science, according to a new paper in the journal Systematic biology. This … Read more

Wind tunnel research shows that the flow in a hypersonic jet engine can be controlled optically

Doctoral student Max Chern takes a closer look at the wind tunnel setup where researchers from the University of Virginia School of Engineering and Applied Science have demonstrated that control of a dual-mode scramjet engine is possible with an optical sensor. Credit: Wende Whitman, UVA Engineering What if the future of space travel looked less … Read more

Believe it or not, there is a housing surplus, but not for people who cannot afford a house, research shows

The long-complained housing shortage may not exist after all. Rather, there is a shortage of cheap rents and affordable housing, according to a new study. The peer-reviewed study, published in April in the scientific journal Debate on housing policy, found that the US had a surplus of 3.3 million homes between 2000 and 2020 – … Read more

New research reveals evidence of cometary outbursts from 12,800 years ago

This article was reviewed according to Science fact checked trusted source proofread OK! Shocked quartz grains, with cracks filled with melt glass. Credit: UC Santa Barbara × close to Shocked quartz grains, with cracks filled with melting glass. Credit: UC Santa Barbara Researchers continue to expand the arguments for the Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis. The … Read more