Butterflies cross the Atlantic Ocean on a 2,600-mile non-stop flight never before recorded by an insect

A Painted Lady butterfly (Vanessa Cardui) perching on a flower.

Scientists have found the first evidence of insects crossing an entire ocean – after finding butterflies making a 2,600-mile journey across the Atlantic Ocean. Gerard Talaveraan evolutionary biologist at the Botanical Institute of Barcelona, ​​made the discovery in 2013 in French Guiana, when he saw a flock of painted lady butterflies (Vanessa cardui) sitting on … Read more

‘Supernova discovery machine’ James Webb Space Telescope finds the most distant star explosion ever recorded

Red and yellow dots against a black ground with some circled with blue rings

When it comes to hunting down the explosive deaths of massive stars in the early universe, the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is a true cosmic detective. This celestial Sherlock Holmes has found evidence of 80 new early supernovae in a patch of sky as wide as a grain of rice, held at arm’s length. … Read more