Scientists reconstruct collapsed Antarctic glaciers using 1960s aerial photographs

A series of overlapping aerial photographs depicts a snowy mountain range with rugged peaks and valleys. The images, positioned in a slight arc, showcase a vast expanse of snow, ice, and rock, suggesting a remote and cold landscape.

Antarctica’s Larsen Ice Shelf has been breaking up for decades, but the 2002 Larsen B collapse was particularly dramatic. After being stable for at least 10,000 years, a large section of the shelf broke apart, with repercussions felt across the planet. The widespread changes in Antarctica have been extensively studied and published, but contextualizing and … Read more

We used 1,000 historical photographs to reconstruct Antarctic glaciers before dramatic collapse

In March 2002, the Larsen B Ice Shelf collapsed catastrophically, fragmenting an area about one-sixth the size of Tasmania. In a paper published today in Scientific Reports, we used nearly 1,000 film photographs of Antarctica from the 1960s to reconstruct exactly what five glaciers looked like decades before the collapse of the Larsen B Ice … Read more

Researchers reconstruct the genomes of extinct species of flightless birds that once roamed the islands of New Zealand

This article was reviewed according to Science fact checked peer-reviewed publication trusted source proofread OK! Design nuclear and mitochondrial genome assemblies of the small bush moa. (A) 3D image of a small bush moa skeleton. (B) De novo assembled mitochondrial genome, with locations of annotated genes and RNAs indicated. The inward-facing graph shows the Depth … Read more