First Ride: Maxxis Highroller III Tire – DH Race Ready – Pinkbike

Maxxis’ latest downhill tire bears the name Highroller, but technically it’s the Highroller III. The original Highroller came out in 2004, followed by the Highroller II in 2011. The name may be the same, but there aren’t many similarities between the new model and its predecessors when it comes to the actual tread pattern. Instead, … Read more

China officially declares ‘new space race has begun’ to conquer the moon

The Chinese space agency has officially declared that the US is a competitor on the moon for the first time. The shocking decision by the Chinese National Space Administration comes after they have vehemently stated that they will never compete with the US. 3 An image taken by the ‘mobile camera’ carried by the Chang’e-6 … Read more

China officially declares ‘new space race has begun’ to conquer the moon

The Chinese space agency has officially declared that the US is a competitor on the moon for the first time. The shocking decision by the Chinese National Space Administration comes after they have vehemently stated that they will never compete with the US. An image taken by the ‘mobile camera’ carried by the Chang’e-6 probe … Read more

Europe rejoins space race, but new rocket’s flight ends in anomaly

Finally, the time has come: Europe’s long-awaited rocket is launching into space. At 3 p.m. Eastern Time on Tuesday — a decade after the European Space Agency set in motion a plan for a powerful new vehicle that would carry the continent’s ambitions into orbit — Ariane 6 lifted off from the launch pad at … Read more

Inside an abandoned race track left to rot with weeds growing in the stands

A former racecourse named after William Shakespeare is in dire straits after being abandoned for a long time. The Shakespeare County Raceway was built on the old RAF Long Marston airstrip in Stratford-upon-Avon. The abandoned Shakespeare County Raceway in Stratford-upon-AvonPhoto: Jam Press/Chloe Urbex It originally opened in 1940 as RAF Long Marston air basePhoto: Jam … Read more

Labour wins race to lead UK, but few would envy the load in the tech inbox

Analysis The UK woke up this morning to the prospect of a new government, but still faces legacy problems across technology projects, policy and investment. In policy, there are the post-Brexit challenges of how to adapt data protection law, while there are new issues around how – or even whether – to legislate to address … Read more

Warp theorists say we have embarked on an exotic propulsion space race to build the world’s first working warp drive – The Debrief

warp drive

An international team of physicists behind several revolutionary warp drive concepts, including the first that doesn’t require exotic matter, say recent unprecedented breakthroughs in physics and propulsion have pitted world powers in a 21st-century Cold War-style space race launched to become the world’s first working warp drive. “A space race is brewing,” says Gianni Martie, … Read more

What does the success of China’s moon sampling mission mean for the US-China space race?

Key learning points: The Chang’e-6 lunar module landed on Tuesday with up to 2 kilograms of moon dust and rocks inside. It is the latest space success for a country that is increasingly attracting US attention Experts say the space race between the US and China raises questions about claims to the moon’s resources. China … Read more