Breakthrough in ‘time-traveling’ quantum sensor allows scientists to collect data from the past – The Debrief

time traveling quantum

Time travel, widely recognized as a staple of science fiction stories and movies, is at least theoretically possible under certain conditions. These include situations such as extremely fast space travel, and the traveler’s proximity to particularly strong gravitational sources. However, new research suggests that scientists may be getting closer to making the manipulation of time … Read more

Higgs boson ‘God particle’ remains a quantum mystery after 12 years

The discovery of the Higgs boson has been a fascinating journey for physicists around the world, since the particle was first detected at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) about twelve years ago. This monumental discovery, which confirms the existence of the elusive particle theorized nearly half a century earlier, has opened up new avenues for … Read more

Time could be a mirage created by quantum physics, a study suggests

An artist

New research suggests that time may not be a fundamental element of the universe, but rather an illusion created by quantum entanglement. Time is a difficult problem for physicists; the inconsistent behavior of our best theories of the universe contributes to a stalemate that leaves researchers unable to find a “theory of everything,” or a … Read more

New method achieves tenfold increase in quantum coherence time via destructive interference of correlated noise

A Bloch sphere of a qubit subjected to cross-correlated noise (blue and red). The method destructively disrupts this noise, resulting in superior performance. Credit: Physical assessment letters (2024). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.132.223601 Researchers have developed a new method to significantly improve the performance of quantum technology by using the cross-correlation of two noise sources to extend coherence … Read more

Researchers show how to build ‘time-traveling’ quantum sensors

Fisher information achievable with single-qubit sensor. Credit: Physical assessment letters (2024). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.132.260801 The idea of ​​time travel has baffled sci-fi fans for years. Science tells us that traveling into the future is technically feasible—at least if you’re willing to travel close to the speed of light—but going back in time is a no-go. But … Read more

Fermionic Hubbard quantum simulator observes antiferromagnetic phase transition

This image shows the ultracold atomic quantum simulator. The red and blue balls represent the fermionic atoms with up and down spins respectively, arranged in a stacked pattern in 3D space, forming the antiferromagnetic crystal. The glass cell provides the ultrahigh vacuum environment for the ultracold atoms. Credit: Chen Lei In a study published in … Read more

Physicists move one step closer to topological quantum computing

Quantum transport simulation of CAR in an approximate QAHI thin film. a, Schematic of the transport simulation setup with a magnetic TI (MTI) thin film in the QAHI state. b, The disorder-averaged electron-to-hole conversion probability. c, The components of local current densities transported by electrons and holes, as well as at the top and bottom, … Read more

Photons from quantum dot emitters violate Bell inequality in new study

Schematic illustration of photon scattering from a two-level emitter in a photonic crystal waveguide (PhC WG). A weak coherent state is coupled to the PhC WG via a shallowly etched grating (SEG). In the photon scattering image, a single-photon wave packet is mainly reflected by elastic scattering on a two-level emitter, while the two-photon wave … Read more

A new approach to realizing quantum mechanical compression

Scheme of nonclassical mechanical states of a resonator-qubit combination. A transmon qubit capacitively couples to acoustic mechanical modes of a separate sapphire slab, one of which is shown as a series of blue and red antinodes. Nonclassical mechanical states emerge from this interaction. Three vignettes reproduce Wigner functions of i) a squeezed vibrational state, ii) … Read more

Scientists use two new quantum methods to catch dark matter suspects

A purple orbit against a dark background with a boxout showing a white room containing two crouching people attending to a complex gold machine

The hunt for dark matter is about to get a lot cooler. Scientists are developing supercold quantum technology to hunt for the universe’s most elusive and mysterious matter, which currently poses one of science’s greatest mysteries. Despite the fact that dark matter outnumbers the amount of ordinary matter in our universe by about six times, … Read more