Review: Overmorrow (Switch) – Intriguing, but assumes too much with the save and erase settings

Captured on Nintendo Switch (Docked) Overmorrow, the debut release from solo developer PixelManta, manages to be philosophically interesting, evocatively written, visually distinctive, and lovingly crafted. Still, the idea of ​​replaying it – which you’ll actually have to do by design – is a tall order, and therein lies the unfortunate problem with this otherwise commendable … Read more

A new theory of quantum gravity could explain the biggest puzzle in cosmology, research suggests

The nearby Andromeda galaxy with older stars highlighted in blue. A new theory of quantum gravity could help explain why more distant galaxies seem to be retreating faster than nearer ones.

A variation on the theory of quantum gravity – the unification of quantum mechanics and Einstein’s general relativity – could help solve one of the biggest puzzles in cosmology, new research suggests. Scientists have known for almost a century that the universe is expanding. But in recent decades, physicists have discovered that several types of … Read more