Neanderthals did not actually go extinct, but rather were absorbed into the modern human population, DNA research shows

A facial reconstruction from a Neanderthal skull, next to the skull itself

Neanderthals may not have actually gone extinct, but they may have been absorbed into modern human populations. That’s one implication of a new study, which shows that modern human DNA may make up 2.5% to 3.7% of the Neanderthal genome. “This research underscores that what we consider a distinct Neanderthal lineage was actually more closely … Read more

DNA from mammoth remains reveals history of last remaining population

Enlarge / An artist’s impression of one of the last mammoths of Wrangel Island. Bet Zaiken A small group of woolly mammoths became stranded on Wrangel Island about 10,000 years ago when rising sea levels separated the island from mainland Siberia. Small, isolated populations of animals lead to inbreeding and genetic defects, and it was … Read more

Ancient DNA research reveals the population history of the Western Tibetan Plateau

This article was reviewed according to Science fact checked peer-reviewed publication trusted source proofread OK! The spatial and temporal distribution of Ngari samples involved in the study. Credit: IVPP × close to The spatial and temporal distribution of Ngari samples involved in the study. Credit: IVPP According to a study published in Current biology on … Read more