New organic molecule breaks records in phosphorescence efficiency, paving the way for rare-metal-free applications

Chemical structure of the molecule and photos of phosphorescence taken under UV irradiation. Credit: Osaka University A research team led by Osaka University found that the new organic molecule thienyldiketone exhibits high-efficiency phosphorescence. It achieved phosphorescence more than ten times faster than traditional materials, allowing the team to clarify this mechanism. The article was published … Read more

Researchers achieve high vacuum levitation of silica nanoparticles, paving the way for future levitation technologies – The Debrief

Vacuum Levitation

Researchers at ETH Zurich have successfully demonstrated high-vacuum levitation of a silica nanoparticle on a hybrid photonic-electric chip. This major achievement, detailed in their latest study published in Nature Nanotechnologyrepresents a major step forward in the field of nanotechnology and opens up new possibilities for future technological applications. The breakthrough is the latest in a … Read more

AI decodes fruit fly vision, paving the way for human insight – Neuroscience News

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Resume: Researchers developed an AI model of the fruit fly’s brain to understand how vision drives behavior. By genetically silencing specific visual neurons and observing behavioral changes, they trained the AI ​​to accurately predict neural activity and behavior. Their findings show that combinations of multiple neurons, rather than individual types, process visual data in a … Read more