We need to consider alternatives to dark matter that better explain cosmological observations

Do the constants of nature β€” the numbers that govern how things behave, like the speed of light β€” change over time as the universe expands? Does light get a little tired of traveling vast cosmic distances? Dark matter and dark energy were once thought to explain these cosmological phenomena, but recent research suggests that … Read more

The ‘exhaust vent’ of the Milky Way’s black hole discovered in terrifying X-ray observations

X-ray observations of the Milky Way

The monster black hole The center of our Milky Way can unleash huge, gaseous explosions – and now astronomers think they’ve found the exact spot where that superheated gas flows into the Milky Way. Acting as a giant exhaust vent, the newly discovered feature is a bright region of X-ray energy located nearly 700 light-years … Read more

A black hole of unexplained mass: JWST observations reveal a mature quasar at cosmic dawn

This article was reviewed according to Science fact checked peer-reviewed publication trusted source proofread OK! Artist’s impression of the bright core region of a quasar, an active galaxy. The supermassive black hole at the center is surrounded by a bright disk of gas and dust. The dust component further out can obscure the view of … Read more

A black hole of unexplained mass: JWST observations reveal a mature quasar at cosmic dawn

Artist’s impression of the bright core region of a quasar, an active galaxy. The supermassive black hole at the center is surrounded by a bright disk of gas and dust. The dust component further out can obscure the view of the interior and shines mainly in the mid-infrared region, light that can be analyzed by … Read more

Webb observations indicate a collision of giant asteroids in a nearby planetary system

β€œThe James Webb Telescope: Are We Alone?” about the whole story with Anderson Cooper offers a glimpse into the most powerful telescope ever built. The show premieres Sunday, June 16 at 8 PM ET/PT on CNN. A collision between giant asteroids has likely occurred in recent years in a neighboring galaxy called Beta Pictoris, and … Read more