Ancient stone circles in Norway hide a dark secret: dozens of children’s graves

An aerial view showing many round, concentric circles of rocks marking the graves

Archaeologists are puzzled by the discovery of dozens of Bronze and Iron Age child graves in southern Norway. The graves, each marked by circles of precisely placed stones, were found last year by a team from the Norwegian Museum of Cultural History near Fredrikstad, about 50 miles (80 kilometers) south of Oslo, close to the … Read more

Former astronaut William Anders, who took the iconic Earthrise photo, died in a plane crash in Washington

SEATTLE (AP) — William Anders, the first Apollo 8 astronaut who took the iconic “Earthrise” photo in 1968 that showed the planet as a shadowy blue marble from space was killed Friday when the plane he was piloting alone crashed into the waters off Washington state’s San Juan Islands collapsed. He was 90. His son, … Read more