European Earth Return Orbiter reaches design maturity

Earth Return Orbiter around Mars

Science and discovery 05/07/2024 1081 views 12 I like this ESA’s Earth Return Orbiter, the first spacecraft to image an object orbiting another planet, has reached a major milestone by returning the first Martian samples to Earth. Today, the critical design review for the spacecraft platform was completed with the cooperation of European industry and … Read more

Deriving mammalian DNA methylation predictors of maximum lifespan, gestation period, and age at sexual maturity

This article was reviewed according to Science fact checked peer-reviewed publication trusted source proofread OK! Multivariate analysis of life history traits using epigenetic predictors. This figure summarizes the leave-one-species-out (LOSO) cross-validation analysis of epigenetic predictors. All estimates are log-transformed (base e) for various life history traits, including (A and B) maximum lifespan (in log years). … Read more