MOND vs. Dark Matter: Research suggests that the rotation curves of galaxies remain flat indefinitely

The main technique Mistele used in his research, gravitational lensing, is a phenomenon predicted by Einstein’s general theory of relativity. As part of the research, Mistele plotted the so-called Tully-Fisher relationship on a map to highlight the empirical relationship between a galaxy’s visible mass and its rotation rate. In a discovery that challenges conventional understanding … Read more

How primordial black holes can explain dark matter | CNN

Sign up for CNN’s Wonder Theory science newsletter. Explore the universe with news about fascinating discoveries, scientific developments and more. CNN — For about fifty years, the scientific community has been grappling with a substantial problem: there isn’t enough visible matter in the universe. All the matter we can see — stars, planets, cosmic dust … Read more

Dark matter decoded: how neutron stars could solve the universe’s greatest mystery


A recent study from the ARC Center of Excellence for Dark Matter Particle Physics suggests that neutron stars could play a crucial role in understanding dark matter. The study found that when dark matter particles collide into neutron stars, they can quickly heat these stars, potentially making them observable with future astronomical technologies. This rapid … Read more

Gravity without mass is a new explanation for the inability to find dark matter

A new explanation for why we haven’t found dark matter suggests it doesn’t exist. Instead, the author thinks we have misunderstood gravity. He is not the first to suggest this, but the new proposal, of gravity without mass, created by topological defects in space-time, is particularly novel. Dark matter was first proposed in 1932, based … Read more

New theory: Gravity can exist without mass, so dark matter does not exist

For centuries, scientists have grappled with the fundamental forces that govern our universe, the most important of which are gravity and, more recently, dark matter. Gravity is the invisible force that pulls objects of mass together and plays a crucial role in shaping the cosmos, from the formation of galaxies to the orbits of planets. … Read more

At the dawn of time: MIT physicists link dark matter to ‘supercharged’ microscopic black holes


Image of a primordial black hole forming amid a sea of ​​hot, color-charged quarks and gluons a tiny fraction of a second after the Big Bang. Credit: Kaća Bradonjić According to the researchers, the universe could have produced microscopic black holes with enormous amounts of nuclear charge in the first quintillionth of a second. MIT … Read more

Gravity without mass? New study challenges the existence of hypothetical dark matter – The Debrief


A recent study that poses new challenges to the existence of dark matter suggests that gravity can exist even in the absence of mass. Although all life on Earth experiences its effects every day, gravity remains one of the great mysteries of modern physics. Now, a new study published by Dr. Richard Lieu of the … Read more

Researcher suggests gravity can exist without mass, mitigating the need for hypothetical dark matter

This article was reviewed according to Science fact checked peer-reviewed publication trusted source proofread OK! Credit: CC0 Public domain × close to Credit: CC0 Public domain Dark matter is a hypothetical form of matter implied by gravitational effects that cannot be explained by general relativity unless there is more matter in the universe than we … Read more

The enormous ‘El Gordo’ cluster of galaxies suggests that dark matter is colliding with itself

A view of space with blue and pink hazes overlaying lots of stars and galaxies.

Strange behavior in a huge cluster of merging galaxies could be explained if dark matter, the universe’s most mysterious stuff, can collide with itself. However, the most favored model of cosmology at the moment is the Cold Dark Matter (CDM) model – and it suggests that dark matter, which is effectively invisible because it does … Read more

Exotic black holes could be a byproduct of dark matter

This article was reviewed according to Science fact checked peer-reviewed publication trusted source proofread OK! Credit: AI-generated image × close to Credit: AI-generated image For every kilogram of matter we can see – from the computer on your desk to distant stars and galaxies – there are 5 kilograms of invisible matter permeating our environment. … Read more