Astronomers see cataclysmic collision of giant asteroids in nearby galaxy

Nearly twenty years ago, astronomers observed a huge cloud of fine dust particles around a young star just 63 light-years away from Earth. From recent observations of the Webb Space TelescopeHowever, the dust cloud had mysteriously disappeared. Now a new paper suggests that the dust cloud may have been caused by a violent event that … Read more

Does a huge underground lake really exist near the south pole of Mars?

spacecraft image showing a closeup of the ice cap at Mars

The possibility of a lake of liquid water buried beneath Mars’ southern ice cap has been cast in doubt by new computer simulations, which suggest that densely packed ice layers could produce the same radar reflections as liquid water. In 2018, the European Space Agency Mars Express orbiter used its MARSIS (Mars Advanced Radar for … Read more

NASA Sees Mars Lights Up During Epic Solar Storm – NASA

The specks in this Mars scene were caused by charged particles

In addition to producing auroras, a recent extreme storm has provided more details about the amount of radiation future astronauts might encounter on the Red Planet. Mars scientists have been expecting epic solar storms since the sun entered a period of peak activity called solar maximum earlier this year. Over the past month, NASA’s Mars … Read more

Mars: new research challenges Existence of liquid water lake under the planet’s south pole

Mars New Research Challenges Existence Of Liquid Water Lake Under Planet's South Pole

Recent studies have cast doubt on the presence of a lake of liquid water beneath the ice cap at Mars’ south pole, a discovery that initially raised hopes of finding microbial life on the Red Planet. In 2018, the European Space Agency’s Mars Express satellite detected strong radar reflections that indicated a 12-mile-long lake lay … Read more

NASA orders ten Mars Sample Return studies, most of which are commercial

Enlarge / An artist’s concept of a Mars Ascent Vehicle orbiting the red planet. NASA announced Friday that it will award contracts to seven companies, including SpaceX and Blue Origin, to study how to more cheaply transport rock samples from Mars back to Earth. The space agency in April put out a call for industry … Read more

New research shows that a lake under Mars’ ice cap is unlikely

This article was reviewed according to Science fact checked peer-reviewed publication trusted source proofread OK! Credit: Unsplash/CC0 public domain × close to Credit: Unsplash/CC0 public domain Researchers at Cornell University have provided a simple and comprehensive – albeit less dramatic – explanation for bright radar reflections that were initially interpreted as liquid water beneath the … Read more

The headline-grabbing ‘hole’ on Mars could be crucial for exploration of the Red Planet

A white background with a black circle that appears to be a hole.

A mysterious well on the side of an ancient volcano on Mars has recently caused excitement for what it could reveal beneath the Red Planet’s surface. This is what that means. First things first: the pit, which is only a few meters wide, was actually imaged by NASA’s Mars exploration sorber, which was about 156 … Read more

Mars is more susceptible to devastating asteroid impacts than we thought, new research shows

a deep, dark crater stands out on a reddish-orange planet

Mars could encounter more than twice as many encounters with potentially dangerous asteroids as Earth, according to a new study. This could jeopardize exploration missions to the Red Planet, but also provide insight into how the inner solar system formed. Asteroids pose the greatest threat to our planet from space; for example, the 2013 Chelyabinsk … Read more

Martian meteorites found on Earth provide unprecedented insight into the Red Planet

Chassigny meteorite in cross-polarized light – Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego When a meteorite hit Mars eleven million years ago, pieces of the Red Planet flew into space – and some of them landed on Earth in the form of meteorites, providing unprecedented evidence about the planet’s composition. Now scientists at UC … Read more

Mars is more susceptible to devastating asteroid impacts than we thought, new research shows

A photo of a crater on Mars

Mars We may have more than twice as many encounters with potentially dangerous asteroids as Earth does, according to a new study. This could jeopardize exploration missions to the Red Planet, but also provide insight into how the inner solar system formed. Asteroids pose the greatest threat from space to our planet – the 2013 … Read more