A solar storm hits Mars, creating planetary auroras, says NASA | CNN

Sign up for CNN’s Wonder Theory science newsletter. Explore the universe with news about fascinating discoveries, scientific developments and more. CNN — When the sun unleashed an extreme solar storm and hit Mars in May, the red planet was awash with aurora and an influx of charged particles and radiation, NASA said. The sun has … Read more

NASA’s perseverance reveals ancient geological secrets on Mars

Nasa's Perseverance Uncovers Ancient Geological Secrets On Mars

NASA’s Perseverance rover has made significant progress in its mission to uncover the geological history of Mars by exploring the ancient Neretva Vallis river channel. Originally thought to be just a clear route, with no rover-slowing boulders, Neretva Vallis has proven to be a geological treasure trove. After navigating a challenging dune field to avoid … Read more

Mars astronauts could live in this mysterious ‘pit’

mars hole

Strange holes in the surface of our neighboring planet could one day provide areas where astronauts can take shelter. A mysterious pit on Mars captured by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) has reignited interest in the potential of these features to support future human missions to the Red Planet. The pit, which is only a … Read more

Mars hit by intense solar storms, just as epic as Earth

In recent weeks, the sun has become so noisy that Earth has been repeatedly bombarded with radiation and particles emitted by bursts of solar plasma. But Earth isn’t the only planet affected by solar storms. At just 1.5 times Earth’s distance from the Sun, Mars is also being buffeted by the massive outpourings of particles … Read more

Mars: ‘impossible’ discovery of frost near the equator

This image shows Olympus Mons, the tallest volcano not only on Mars but in the entire solar system. … [+] The volcano has a diameter of about 600 kilometers. The image was captured in the early morning (07:20 local solar time, LST) by the high-resolution stereo camera on board ESA’s Mars Express, and included as … Read more

Can astronauts’ bodies actually survive Mars missions? – Tech & Science Daily podcast

Listen here on your chosen podcast platform. As the likes of Elon Musk continue to promote their grand plans to one day send humans to Mars, new research suggests that the way human organs respond to being in space could throw a spanner in the works. A team of researchers led by University College London … Read more

A solar storm bathes Mars in radiation as aurora flicker in the Red Planet’s sky (video)

a grainy black-and-white image of a distant hill

The solar storms that gave rise to the hugely impressive auroras seen around the world on May 10 also dealt Mars a blow, creating auroras over the Red Planet and showering its surface with harmful radiation. The primary source of the solar storms was an active region, AR3664which was an intense knot of magnetic flux … Read more

The speed of sound on Mars is constantly changing, bizarre research shows

A top down photograph of a large purple-colored mountain on the surface of Mars

Researchers have uncovered the details of how sound behaves at different times and places Mars – and the results are very different from what we are used to on Earth. NASAs Perseverance robber on Mars has different microphones. These devices, intended to study the properties of materials on the Red Planet, have picked up all … Read more

Recent solar outbursts are causing dramatic auroras on Mars

A recent solar eruption sent a powerful blast of charged particles and radiation toward Mars, giving scientists a rare glimpse of how these events unfold on planets other than Earth. Sonos’ very first headphones are too expensive for what they offer NASA’s Curiosity rover captured the aftermath of a solar storm on the surface of … Read more