Solar storms can break Earth’s magnetic field and knock out power supplies

For thousands of years, people have watched the vibrant auroras dance across the night sky. But these magnificent displays are more than just a pretty sight. They are a warning sign of a hidden danger: geomagnetically induced currents. Auroras are caused by particles from the sun hitting the Earth’s magnetic field. These forces can compress … Read more

Scientists say aurora, caused by head-on collisions with Earth’s magnetic field, could damage critical infrastructure

Credit: Harrison Haines from Pexels Auroras have inspired myths and omens for millennia, but only now, with modern technology that relies on electricity, do we appreciate their true power. The same forces that cause auroras also generate currents that can damage infrastructure that carries electricity, such as pipelines. Now scientists are writing in Frontiers in … Read more

UCF biologist continues to unravel mystery of magnetic bacteria

Julianna Martin, a UCF Ph.D. student working with biologist Bob Fitak, carefully collects a turtles tear sample for testing for magnetic bacteria while on a boat.

The remarkable ability of migratory animals to navigate and remember routes may be attributed to their sensitivity to not only the Earth’s magnetic field, but possibly also to interactions with the magnetic bacteria that live in the field. The relationship between these magnetic bacteria and the animals they live in is not yet fully understood, … Read more

Extreme solar explosions and weak magnetic fields threaten life on Earth

Extreme Solar Blasts And Weak Magnetic Fields Threaten Life On Earth

Recent studies have highlighted the catastrophic effects of extreme solar eruptions, especially when combined with a weakened magnetic field. These phenomena, which occur about once every thousand years, can significantly disrupt the Earth’s ozone layer, with serious consequences for all life on our planet. The protective role of the Earth’s magnetic field The Earth’s magnetic … Read more

Extreme solar explosions and a weak magnetic field are a deadly combination for Earth

The remarkable aurora borealis in early May this year showed just how powerful solar flares can be in the form of radiation. But every now and then the sun does something even more devastating. These proton explosions, known as “solar particle events,” come directly from the sun’s surface and can shoot out into space like … Read more

A method to reversibly control Casimir forces using external magnetic fields

This article was reviewed according to Science fact checked peer-reviewed publication trusted source proofread OK! by Ingrid Fadelli, Tuning of the magnetic field of Casimir force caused by quantum fluctuations. Credit: Zhang et al. × close to Tuning of the magnetic field of Casimir force caused by quantum fluctuations. Credit: Zhang et al. The … Read more

The sun’s magnetic field is about to reverse. This is what you can expect.

Image of the sun with a bar magnet graphic rotating in front of it

The sun is on the eve of an important event: a reversal of the magnetic field. This phenomenon occurs approximately every eleven years and marks an important stage in the development of the economy solar cycle. The shift in polarity indicates the halfway point maximum solar energythe height of solar activity and the beginning of … Read more

Why is Neptune’s magnetic field so strange? An exotic molecule could be the answer

An image of Uranus on the left and Neptune on the right. They look almost indiscernible as they

In the depths of our solar system – a realm where chemistry and speculation collide – scientists have reported the possible existence of a molecule known as aquodiium, an elusive cousin of the ammonium ion. If true, it could explain the oddities in the magnetic fields of Neptune and Uranus. This is a major problem … Read more

Huge magnetic stars discovered outside the Milky Way for the first time

Massive Magnetic Stars Discovered Beyond The Milky Way For The First Time

In an extraordinary scientific breakthrough, astronomers have discovered magnetic stars outside the Milky Way for the first time. These stars, located in the Magellanic Clouds, have provided new insights into stellar magnetism and the magnetic properties of stars in different galactic environments. This groundbreaking discovery, achieved using advanced telescopic and observational technologies, opens new frontiers … Read more

Earth’s changing, irregular magnetic field is causing headaches for polar navigation

This article was reviewed according to Science fact checked trusted source proofread OK! Changes in Earth’s global magnetic field over six months in 2014, measured by the European Space Agency’s three-satellite swarm constellation. The left map shows the average magnetic field and the right shows changes in magnetic field strength over that period. Credit: European … Read more