The secret to living longer than 120? Nanobots

I’ve had many conversations about life extension over the years, and the idea is often met with resistance. People get upset when they hear about a person whose life has been cut short by a disease, but when confronted with the possibility of generally prolonging all human life, they react negatively. “Life is too hard … Read more

Astronauts are living with a drug-busting ‘superbug’ that mutated in orbit, study says

A NEW alien ‘superbug’ has been discovered aboard the International Space Station. Despite the highly controlled environment on the ISS, an insect hitched a ride into space, where scientists were able to observe the mutating pathogen over the course of two years. A mutated, drug-resistant ‘superbug’ has been found aboard the International Space Station.Credit: Getty … Read more

‘Living rocks’ off Saudi Arabia’s Sheybarah Island offer a glimpse of how life on Earth began

LONDON: It was a kind of accidental discovery, Volker Vahrenkamp admits with a smile. “Sometimes these things need a little luck.” Vahrenkamp, ​​a professor of geology at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology in Thuwal, on Saudi Arabia’s Red Sea coast, had set out with a team of colleagues to investigate a coastal geological … Read more

Research shows that fresh water and the most important living conditions appeared on Earth half a billion years earlier than thought

Credit: A zircon crystal under the microscope. Hugo Olierrook/Curtin University For life to emerge on a planet, we need two ingredients: dry land and (fresh) water. Strictly speaking, the water does not have to be fresh, but fresh water can only occur on dry land. Only when these two conditions are met can you convert … Read more

Research shows that fresh water and the most important living conditions appeared on Earth half a billion years earlier than thought

This article was reviewed according to Science fact checked peer-reviewed publication trusted source written by researcher(s) proofread OK! Credit: A zircon crystal under the microscope. Hugo Olierrook/Curtin University × close to Credit: A zircon crystal under the microscope. Hugo Olierrook/Curtin University For life to emerge on a planet, we need two ingredients: dry land and … Read more

First ever report of two ancient ape species living together in the Miocene of Europe 11 million years ago

This article was reviewed according to Science fact checked peer-reviewed publication trusted source proofread OK! Buronius manfredschmidi november. gene. and sp. photos. Top panel: upper left holotype M2 (GPIT/MA/13005), A – occlusal, B – buccal, C – lingual, D – mesial, E – distal. Lower panel: lower left paratype P4 (GPIT/MA/13004), F – occlusal, G … Read more

The world’s first ‘living computer’ made from human BRAIN

There is a lot of fear that robots will replace humans. But maybe it should be the machines that worry about us. Swedish scientists have created the world’s first ‘living computer’ made from human brain tissue. It consists of 16 organoids, or clumps of brain cells grown in a laboratory, that transmit information to each … Read more

Experts warn that more and more people are living in ‘functional freeze mode’, with signs that are difficult to recognize


Sometimes you have no choice but to just get through the day as best you can, even if you would have happily pulled the covers over your head when your alarm went off. We humans are extremely interesting creatures who have the ability to appear completely healthy from the outside, even when chaos erupts in … Read more