Researchers achieve high vacuum levitation of silica nanoparticles, paving the way for future levitation technologies – The Debrief

Vacuum Levitation

Researchers at ETH Zurich have successfully demonstrated high-vacuum levitation of a silica nanoparticle on a hybrid photonic-electric chip. This major achievement, detailed in their latest study published in Nature Nanotechnologyrepresents a major step forward in the field of nanotechnology and opens up new possibilities for future technological applications. The breakthrough is the latest in a … Read more

Demonstration of vacuum levitation and motion control on an optical-electrostatic chip

The team’s on-chip levitation platform. a, The top optical layer consists of two orthogonal pairs of split single-mode optical fibers. One of the pairs (along y) creates a standing wave at λy = 1,550 nm, while the second pair (along x) creates a standing wave at λx = 1,064 nm. The distances between the fibers … Read more

New method can create aquatic levitation at much lower temperatures, impacting the cooling of nuclear reactors

This article was reviewed according to Science fact checked peer-reviewed publication trusted source proofread OK! Wenge Huang inspects material samples in Jiangtao Cheng’s laboratory. Credit: Alex Parrish for Virginia Tech. × close to Wenge Huang inspects material samples in Jiangtao Cheng’s laboratory. Credit: Alex Parrish for Virginia Tech. Splash a few drops of water on … Read more