What we played – Space Mysteries, From’s Kind Game and Bertie’s Gate 3

July 19, 2024 Hello! Welcome back to our regular column where we write a little bit about some of the games we’ve played over the last few days. This week we’ve ventured into space to touch some attractive machines; we’ve enjoyed FromSoftware’s much friendlier series of games; and Bertie has been horrible to everyone in … Read more

New dinosaur species named after Chamorro goddess

FONA herzogae, a recently discovered dinosaur species in Utah’s Cedar Mountains, is named after a Chamorro goddess. The grandparents of paleontologist Haviv Avrahami, a member of the research team, are from Guam. He gave the dinosaur its genus name, Fona, based on the ancient Chamorro creation myth. The species name, herzogae, is in honor of … Read more

New carbon storage technology is the fastest of its kind

Credit: University of Texas at Austin Researchers at the University of Texas at Austin have developed a new way to capture carbon from the atmosphere that works much faster than current methods and doesn’t require the harmful chemical accelerators. In new research published in ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineeringthe team developed a technique for ultra-fast … Read more

Scientists intrigued after finding a completely different kind of rock on Mars

NASA’s Perseverance rover, known as Percy, is designed to explore Mars’ Jezero Crater as part of NASA’s Mars 2020 mission. It successfully landed on the Red Planet on February 18, 2021 and has been providing scientists with crucial information ever since. Recently, the rover attracted a lot of scientific attention because it discovered something truly … Read more

Texas’ state mammal gets new name


Research has shown that a group of armadillos originally thought to be a single species may actually consist of four separate species. The nine-banded armadillo, the official small mammal of Texas, may actually be four different species, one of which is new to science, according to a new paper in the journal Systematic biology. This … Read more

First detection of its kind, made in a striking new Webb image

For the first time, a phenomenon that astronomers long hoped could be directly imaged has been captured by the Near-Infrared Camera (NIRCam) on NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope. In this stunning image of the Serpent Nebula, the discovery lies in the northern region (visible above left) of this young, nearby star-forming region. Astronomers have discovered … Read more

New horned dinosaur species discovered ‘largest and most graceful’ of its kind ever found

Lokiceratops rangiformis lived about 78 million years ago, researchers said. June 20, 2024, 8:07 am ET • 6 minutes reading A new species of dinosaur with giant horns has been discovered that researchers say is the “largest and most graceful” of its kind ever found, according to a study published Thursday in the journal PeerJ. … Read more

Scientists think they know why people live so long: Moms | CBC News

Why do people live so long? A new study suggests that a mother’s care could be an important part of that. The Cornell University study says the reason humans and other primates live so long can be at least partially explained by the mother-infant relationship. Maternal care leads to the evolution of “long, slow lives,” … Read more

Be a Kraken! First video footage of a possible colossal squid captured in its native habitat

credit – Matthew Mulrennan, Colossal Last year, a group of scientists trying to capture images of a colossal squid, the largest invertebrate on Earth, in its natural habitat may have won their prize when one of their underwater cameras captured a young glass squid swimming by. Colossal squids are members of the glass squid family, … Read more

NASA will put a ‘new star’ in the sky by the end of this decade in the first mission of its kind

Stars spinning around an observatory in the night sky

A unique NASA mission aims to place a new ‘star’ in the sky by the end of this decade to help solve many of the universe’s greatest mysteries, scientists have announced. The Landolt NASA Space Mission aims to send an artificial stellar satellite into orbit by “early 2029.” Peter Plavchanan astronomer at George Mason University … Read more