Researchers create insect-inspired autonomous navigation strategy for small, lightweight robots

Small, 56 gram “CrazyFlie” drone that can navigate back to a starting location using an insect-inspired navigation strategy. Credit: Guido de Croon / TU Delft | MAV Lab Have you ever wondered how insects can travel so far from their home and still find their way? The answer to this question is not only relevant … Read more

Promising solar energy material gets curious boost from entropy, researchers show

Lead author Kushal Rijal (right) and Neno Fuller (left) performed the TR-TPPE measurement using the ultrahigh-power vacuum photoemission spectroscopy system shown in the image. Credit: Kushal and Fuller Solar energy is crucial to a clean energy future. Traditionally, solar energy has been harvested using silicon, the same semiconductor material used in everyday electronic devices. But … Read more

New carbon storage technology is the fastest of its kind

Credit: University of Texas at Austin Researchers at the University of Texas at Austin have developed a new way to capture carbon from the atmosphere that works much faster than current methods and doesn’t require the harmful chemical accelerators. In new research published in ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineeringthe team developed a technique for ultra-fast … Read more

A first physical system to learn nonlinear tasks without a traditional computer processor

Sam Dillavou, a postdoctoral fellow in the Durian Research Group in the School of Arts & Sciences, built the components of this contrasting local learning network, an analog system that is fast, energy-efficient, scalable, and can learn nonlinear tasks. Credit: Erica Moser Scientists face many trade-offs in building and scaling brain-like systems that can perform … Read more

New design approach identifies routes to stronger titanium alloys

Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain Titanium alloys are essential structural materials for a wide range of applications, from aerospace and energy infrastructure to biomedical devices. But like most metals, optimizing their properties is often a trade-off between two key attributes: strength and ductility. Stronger materials are often less ductile, and ductile materials are often mechanically weak. … Read more

Mechanical computers rely on kirigami cubes, not electronics

Researchers at North Carolina State University have developed a kirigami-inspired mechanical computer that uses a complex structure of rigid, interconnected polymer cubes to store, retrieve and erase data without relying on electronic components. Credit: Yanbin Li, NC State University Researchers at North Carolina State University have developed a kirigami-inspired mechanical computer that uses a complex … Read more

No Assembly Required: Innovative 3D printing method streamlines multi-material production

Researchers at the University of Missouri have built a machine that combines elements of traditional 3D printing with laser technology to develop multi-material, multi-functional products. Credit: Sam O’Keefe Researchers at the University of Missouri have developed a way to create complex devices using multiple materials, including plastics, metals and semiconductors, all with a single machine. … Read more

A new method to achieve smooth walking transitions in hexapod robots

The real Hexapod robot used to validate the team’s control method. Credit: Heliyon (2024). DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e31847 Robots that can navigate different terrains both quickly and efficiently can be highly beneficial, allowing them to successfully complete complex missions in challenging environments. For example, these robots can help monitor complex natural environments, such as forests, or search … Read more

Engineers unlock design for a record-breaking robot that can jump twice as high as Big Ben

Credit: University of Manchester Engineers from the University of Manchester have unlocked the secrets of designing a robot that can jump 120 meters – higher than any other jumping robot designed to date. Using a combination of mathematics, computer simulations and laboratory experiments, the researchers have discovered how to design a robot with the optimal … Read more

Scientists propose converting natural gas directly into hydrogen in gas fields

The process of hydrogen production from gas fields. Credit: Mukhina et al. / Fuel, 2024 Researchers at Skoltech have found a way to produce hydrogen from natural gas with an efficiency of 45%, directly in the gas field, by injecting steam and a catalyst into a well and adding oxygen to ignite the gas. The … Read more