The evil twin of Venus or the long lost brother of Earth? The intriguing case of Gliese 12 b


The discovery of Gliese 12 b, a planet similar to Venus and only 40 light-years away, offers new perspectives for understanding life-supporting conditions in the universe. This ‘evil twin’ receives significantly more radiation from its star than Earth, raising intriguing questions for future research with advanced telescopes. Credit: Recent findings from a Venus-like planet, … Read more

Review: Overmorrow (Switch) – Intriguing, but assumes too much with the save and erase settings

Captured on Nintendo Switch (Docked) Overmorrow, the debut release from solo developer PixelManta, manages to be philosophically interesting, evocatively written, visually distinctive, and lovingly crafted. Still, the idea of ​​replaying it – which you’ll actually have to do by design – is a tall order, and therein lies the unfortunate problem with this otherwise commendable … Read more

TESS finds intriguing world size between Earth and Venus

This article was reviewed according to Science fact checked peer-reviewed publication trusted source proofread OK! The estimated size of Gliese 12 b could be as large as Earth, or slightly smaller, comparable to Venus in our solar system. This artist’s concept compares Earth to several possible Gliese 12 b interpretations, from one with no atmosphere … Read more