InSight Reveals High Meteoroid Impact Rate on Mars –

39 Scientists have calculated the speed of meteoroid impacts on Mars using seismic measurements taken by NASA’s retired InSight lander during its mission. Two companion studies published June 28 independently estimate significantly higher speeds than previously inferred from images taken by spacecraft orbiting the Red Planet. The studies show that seismic measurements promise to be … Read more

Layers of carbonate provide insight into the world of the ancient Romans

View of the ruins of the Barbegal mill complex in 2018. Photo: Robert Fabre Archaeologists face a major challenge when they seek to gather information about buildings or facilities that are left in ruins. This was a particular challenge for the remains of the Roman watermills at Barbegal in southern France, which date back to … Read more

Research into the architecture of the heart offers new insight into human evolution

This article was reviewed according to Science fact checked peer-reviewed publication trusted source proofread OK! A photo of a chimpanzee mother and her child. Credit: Dr. Robert Shave, UBC Okanagan. Γ— close to A photo of a chimpanzee mother and her child. Credit: Dr. Robert Shave, UBC Okanagan. An international research team from Swansea University … Read more

Polarized light provides new insight into mysterious fast radio bursts

Enlarge / Artist’s rendering of how the angle of the polarized light from a fast radio burst changes as it travels through space. CHIME/Dunlap Institute Astronomers have been concerned about the origins of mysterious fast radio bursts (FRBs) since the first one was spotted in 2007. Researchers are now looking for the first time at … Read more

Martian meteorites found on Earth provide unprecedented insight into the Red Planet

Chassigny meteorite in cross-polarized light – Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego When a meteorite hit Mars eleven million years ago, pieces of the Red Planet flew into space – and some of them landed on Earth in the form of meteorites, providing unprecedented evidence about the planet’s composition. Now scientists at UC … Read more

AI decodes fruit fly vision, paving the way for human insight – Neuroscience News

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Resume: Researchers developed an AI model of the fruit fly’s brain to understand how vision drives behavior. By genetically silencing specific visual neurons and observing behavioral changes, they trained the AI ​​to accurately predict neural activity and behavior. Their findings show that combinations of multiple neurons, rather than individual types, process visual data in a … Read more