Scientists say aurora, caused by head-on collisions with Earth’s magnetic field, could damage critical infrastructure

Credit: Harrison Haines from Pexels Auroras have inspired myths and omens for millennia, but only now, with modern technology that relies on electricity, do we appreciate their true power. The same forces that cause auroras also generate currents that can damage infrastructure that carries electricity, such as pipelines. Now scientists are writing in Frontiers in … Read more

Why the ambition for hydrogen infrastructure is far from reality

At the Paris headquarters of the International Energy Agency (IEA), researchers tracking hydrogen’s progress as a clean alternative to fossil fuels have a list of more than 100 pipelines for the gas, spanning more than a dozen countries. But the vast majority of these projects are concepts or undergoing feasibility studies. Only one is actually … Read more

FRPO creates a “cathedral of energy” with a translucent polycarbonate tower

Architecture studio FRPO has designed DH Palencia, a thermal power plant in Spain consisting of a concrete base topped by a lantern-like building and an adjacent tower. Located in Palencia, the 1,960 square meter building is the center of the city’s new heating network. DH Palencia converts heat energy into electricity It converts heat energy … Read more