Giant salamander species found in what was thought to be an icy ecosystem

C.Marsicano Gaiasia jennyaea newly discovered freshwater predator with a body length of 4.5 meters, lurked in the swamps and lakes about 280 million years ago. Its broad, flattened head had powerful jaws full of enormous fangs, ready to catch any prey that had the misfortune to swim by. The problem is that, as far as … Read more

Subarctic secrets: Mars’ cold and icy past revealed in new research


A study suggests Mars had a cold, subarctic climate similar to Newfoundland, based on soil analyses of Gale Crater. The finding offers new insights into the preservation of amorphous materials and Mars’ potential to support life. (Artist’s concept.) Credit: A new study has found important clues in the Red Planet’s soil. Recent research examining … Read more

Mars likely had a cold and icy past, new research suggests

The rim and floor of Gale Crater, seen from NASA’s Curiosity Rover. Credit: NASA The question of whether life once existed on Mars has captivated the imaginations of scientists and the public for decades. Central to the discovery is understanding the past climate of Earth’s neighbor: Was the planet warm and wet, with seas and … Read more

NASA’s Juno probe captures fascinating high-resolution images of Jupiter’s icy moon Europa

a partially shaded tan and brown planet scared with lines across its surface

Then NASA Juno spacecraft came closest Jupiter‘s moon Europe in September 2022, it captured evidence not only of briny layers of water connected to the world’s deep subsurface ocean, but also of potential scars formed by towering plumes of water vapor – and it captured that evidence on camera The majority of the Juno mission’s … Read more

Europa’s icy crust floats ‘freely’ over moon’s hidden ocean, new Juno images suggest

On September 29, 2022, NASA’s Juno spacecraft made its closest flyby of Europa, coming within 355 kilometers of the frozen surface of Jupiter’s moon. The close-up view of Europa revealed incredible details of the moon’s chaotic terrain, suggesting the icy crust is not where it once was. The images also showed a newly discovered feature … Read more