Scientists identify new ‘tipping point’ of Antarctic ice sheet, potentially underestimating future sea level rise

Icebergs in Antarctica on February 8, 2024. A slew of research has looked at the vulnerability of this vast continent to the impacts of the climate crisis. - Sebnem Coskun/Anadolu/Getty Images

The Antarctic ice sheet is melting in a new, worrying way that scientific models used to project future sea level rise have not taken into account. This suggests that current projections could significantly underestimate the problem, according to a new study. Scientists from the British Antarctic Survey found that warm ocean water seeps under the … Read more

Antarctic ice sheet: scientists identify new ‘tipping point’ that may underestimate future sea level rise | CNN

Robert Larter Thwaites Glacier in western Antarctica in 2019. New study suggests it’s warm CNN — The Antarctic ice sheet is melting in a new, worrying way that scientific models used to project future sea level rise have not taken into account. This suggests that current projections could significantly underestimate the problem, according to a … Read more

40-million-year-old river discovered buried under Antarctic ice

Millions of years ago, Antarctica looked very different from the icy landscape we know today. A research expedition led by the Alfred Wegener Institute has uncovered a hidden secret. Geologists discovered evidence of an ancient river system by studying sediment samples from the Amundsen Sea. This suggests that Antarctica supported a temperate climate about 34 … Read more

Giant river system that existed 40 million years ago, discovered deep beneath the Antarctic ice

A research vessel in front of a massive iceberg

Geologists digging into West Antarctica’s vast ice sheet have discovered the remains of an ancient river system that once flowed nearly a thousand miles. The discovery offers a glimpse into Earth’s history and indicates how extreme climate change could change the planet, according to their findings, published June 5 in the journal Science Advances. “When … Read more

Flight attendant reveals why airline passengers should NEVER have ice cream

By Nova M Bajamonti for Dailymail.Com 6:56 PM June 14, 2024, updated 7:16 PM June 14, 2024 Share or comment on this article: A flight attendant has revealed all the things she would never do on board a plane, including the horrifying reason why passengers shouldn’t have ice in their drinks. Aislinn Swain, 23, has … Read more

Moon ice in the Artemis era: what we still don’t know

GOLDEN, Colo. – A hot topic for lunar researchers is whether water ice is an easily accessible resource at the moon’s south pole, as experts have long believed. The search for exploitable water ice is a high priority on NASA’s Artemis agenda as the agency strives for a sustainable human presence on the moon. Moon … Read more

An interstellar cloud may have caused an ice age on Earth. Here’s how

A blue, green and white sphere surrounded by orange swirls

Scientists believe that Earth briefly lost protection from the sun about two million years ago and had to endure the extreme environment of interstellar space as the solar system passed through a dense cloud of gas and dust between the stars. At that time, early human ancestors shared our planet with prehistoric animals such as … Read more

Interstellar space clouds caused the ice ages, research suggests

The Pleistocene Epoch – with its glaciers, woolly mammoths and Neanderthals – still looms large in Earth’s rearview mirror, having ended just 12,000 years ago. Now a team of researchers proposes that those hundreds of thousands of years of our planet’s history may have been cold due to a cloud in space that briefly removed … Read more

Giant viruses are discovered on the Greenland ice sheet

Scientists have discovered ‘giant viruses’ while exploring the Greenland ice sheet They believe they can help reduce ice melt caused by algae blooms The idea of ​​a giant virus lurking on an enormous ice sheet might sound like the plot of the latest science fiction blockbuster. But it has become a reality after researchers discovered … Read more

New research shows that a lake under Mars’ ice cap is unlikely

This article was reviewed according to Science fact checked peer-reviewed publication trusted source proofread OK! Credit: Unsplash/CC0 public domain × close to Credit: Unsplash/CC0 public domain Researchers at Cornell University have provided a simple and comprehensive – albeit less dramatic – explanation for bright radar reflections that were initially interpreted as liquid water beneath the … Read more