PVKK: Planetenverteidigungskanonenkommandant – yes, let’s go back to the title – is described in the first sentence of its Steam bio as a “fun” game. I have suspicions about cozy or cozy games, as they are increasingly portrayed as some kind of antidepressant in the face of a darkening world, but that’s okay because the remaining seventeen words in the sentence are: ‘Operate your planetary defense cannon to defend the world. of an interplanetary invasion from the comfort of your home [cozy] bunker.”
Mystery of huge aurora in the polar sky in December 2022 solved by astronomers
This article was reviewed according to Science fact checked peer-reviewed publication trusted source proofread OK! Optical and particle observations by the DMSP satellites in both hemispheres. (A) UV image of the SSUSI on board the DMSP F17 satellite in the Northern Hemisphere (B) UV image of the SSUSI on board the DMSP F17 satellite in … Read more