Deutsche Bank is counting on the hiring of investment banks to pay off

Stay informed with free updates Simply log in to the European banks myFT Digest – delivered straight to your inbox. Deutsche Bank is banking on an aggressive hiring spree that has added more than 100 investment bankers in the past 18 months to boost revenues and reduce its reliance on bond trading. Since the start … Read more

Global defense groups are hiring at the fastest pace in decades amid record orders

Global defense companies are recruiting workers at the fastest pace since the end of the Cold War, as the industry strives to achieve order books near record highs. A Financial Times investigation into the hiring plans of twenty large and medium-sized American and European defense and aerospace companies shows that they want to recruit tens … Read more

The average age of my employees is 61 years. They are reliable and trusting

Peter Stewart’s youngest team member at Aberkill is 55 years old One company tried to poach its 71-year-old employee because of his exemplary reputation A businessman has revealed that all of his company’s staff are over the age of 50, as he believes older workers have more ‘sense’ and know how to get things done. … Read more