Two million years ago, an encounter between the sun and something outside the solar system changed all life on Earth

New research from Boston University and the Harvard Radcliffe Institute suggests that the sun passed through a massive hydrogen cloud two million years ago, directly impacting the protective heliosphere and possibly permanently altering all life on Earth. Evidence for this event and its effects on Earth’s climate also shows that the Sun’s location in the … Read more

Interstellar space clouds caused the ice ages, research suggests

The Pleistocene Epoch – with its glaciers, woolly mammoths and Neanderthals – still looms large in Earth’s rearview mirror, having ended just 12,000 years ago. Now a team of researchers proposes that those hundreds of thousands of years of our planet’s history may have been cold due to a cloud in space that briefly removed … Read more

Interstellar invader: the cosmic event that rewrote Earth’s climate history


Two million years ago, the solar system encountered a dense interstellar cloud that may have significantly affected Earth’s climate by compressing the heliosphere and exposing the planet to high levels of cosmic and galactic radiation. (Artist’s concept.) Credit: New astrophysical research highlights a major cosmic event two million years ago, when the solar system … Read more

NASA is considering an interstellar probe to study the heliosphere, the region of space influenced by the sun

This article was reviewed according to Science fact checked trusted source written by researcher(s) proofread OK! An artistic representation of the heliosphere, the sun’s area of ​​influence in space. Little is known about the actual shape of the heliosphere. Credit: NASA × close to An artistic representation of the heliosphere, the sun’s area of ​​influence … Read more